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Current Member Roster & How to join the Waiting List


Mod of All Things
Staff member
January 13, 2010
Trollheimr / Westrobothnia

01 ::adb Adamsburg (NSC 2 - NSC 91, NSC 177 - current)
02 ::aim Aimūlli (NSC 129 - current) failed to confirm NSC 238
::bku Bála Kunmenai (NSC 231 - current)
04 ::bal Balearica Island (NSC 42 - current)
05 ::beg Begonia (NSC 5 - NSC 48, NSC 122 - current)
06 ::bel Belvist (NSC 5 - NSC 58, NSC 125 - NSC 127, NSC 191 - current)
07 ::bif Biflovatia (NSC 108 - current)
08 ::cal Calypso (NSC 7 - current)
09 ::che Cherniya (NSC 92 - current) has to skip NSC 238
::com Comino (NSC 7 - NSC 17, NSC 27 - current)
11 ::cyd Cydoni-Gibberia (NSC 20 - current)
12 ::dal Dalisska (NSC 24 - NSC 90, NSC 118 - NSC 151, NSC 201 - current)
13 ::doi Doire (NSC 74 - current)
14 ::eff Effiland (NSC 8 - NSC 53, NSC 206 - current)
15 ::elv Elvaci (NSC 102 - NSC 217, NSC 223 - current) failed to confirm NSC 238
::end Endórë (NSC 209 - current) failed to confirm NSC 238
::frm Federal Republic of Meridia (NSC 92 - NSC 122, NSC 156 - NSC 218, NSC 230 - current)
18 ::fer Fervorosia (NSC 21 - current)
19 ::fie Fierraria (NSC 218 - current)
20 ::gds Grand Duchy of Strenci (NSC 226 - current)
21 ::grf Griffin Empire (NSC 204 - current)
22 ::hal Halito (NSC 10 - current)
23 ::ill Illumia (NSC 83 - NSC 130, NSC 153 - NSC 156, NSC 219 - current)
24 ::ins Insomnéa (NSC 96 - current)
25 ::kam Kamandé (NSC 57 - NSC 74, NSC 124 - current)
26 ::kon Konthena (NSC 218 - current)
27 ::kor Kordavian Islands (NSC 109 - current)
28 ::mrc Marcobia (NSC 227 - current)
29 ::mat MatiMati (NSC 154 - current)
30 ::nac New Acadia (NSC 52 - NSC 154, NSC 211 - current)
31 ::nbs New Bander State (NSC 149 - current)
32 ::oos Öösingimäed (NSC 51 - NSC 120, NSC 209 - current)
33 ::ora Orangualia (NSC 56 - current)
34 ::pap Papendink (NSC 83 - NSC 176, NSC 224 - current)
35 ::per Perryfornia (NSC 65 - current)
::rah Rahasia-Diati (NSC 148 - current)
37 ::red Redwood Republic (NSC 177 - current)
38 ::reh Rehi Kaita (NSC 228 - current)
39 ::rld Reym-L-Dneurb (NSC 1 - NSC 52, NSC 65 - NSC 152, NSC 206 - current)
40 ::ros Roseland (NSC 56 - current)
41 ::rxn Roxma Nova (NSC 238 - current)
42 ::rum Rumia (NSC 55 - current)
43 ::sak Sakuralia (NSC 122 - current)
44 ::sla Södermalm (NSC 216 - current)
45 ::svo Svobodnia (NSC 169 - current)
46 ::szk Szimbaya Kingdom (NSC 188 - current)
47 ::tad Tamausia & Deltannor (NSC 188 - current)
48 ::tan Tanoiro (NSC 176 - current)
49 ::tch Tcher-Racoi (NSC 203 - current)
50 ::taa Tír an Abhainn (NSC 16 - current)
51 ::tro Trollheimr (NSC 105 - current)
52 ::ugl Ugaly (NSC 4 - current)
53 ::ukd United Kingdom of Destrion (NSC 235 - current)
54 ::ver Vermilion (NSC 236 - current)
55 ::vyl Vylkuzeme (NSC 109 - current)
56 ::wsn Waiting Iist of Shelley & Nici (NSC 51 - NSC 168, NSC 222 - current)
57 ::xhu Xhuxhmaxhuxh (NSC 39 - NSC 62, NSC 119 - NSC 153, NSC 219 - current)
58 ::xoc Xochimilia (NSC 219 - current) on a break for NSC 238
::yap Yaponesia (NSC 6 - current)
60 ::zom Zombira (NSC 10 - NSC 170, NSC 219 - current)

Last update: March 7th, 2025

Text version of the roster for copy/paste purposes

Clicking on a flag icon will redirect you to the respective country's official thread.
Nations that miss 2 editions in a row will be removed and replaced with the nation at the top of the Waiting List (see below).




01. Kimrt (Kimmystan) WLSC 280, 281, 282 NSC 239?
02. soundofsilence (Afnia) WLSC 280, 281, 282 NSC 239?
03. Rxllinson (Dwyforland) NSC 239?
04. Aditya (Carpentaria) WLSC 280, 281, 282 NSC 239?
05. Ewigkeit (Emsfrynt) WLSC 280, 281, 282 NSC 239?
06. Romeo (Il-Bidu)
07. Billy Baube (Kae-Beck)

Last update: March 7th, 2025

Nations or members in cyan have entered NSC at least once before.

Waiting list (WL) rules:

  • Voting in each final of NSC as part of the waiting list jury is compulsory.
  • Any waiting list nations who fail to vote will be moved 2 places down on the list.
  • Nations who fail to vote 2 finals in a row will be removed from the list.
  • Under certain circumstances waiting list nations can take a break from voting in the finals if a solid reason is given. During that period of time the position of the nation on the waiting list remains frozen and it can move neither up nor down.
  • Nations with 'NSC XXX' beside them will debut/return in the next contest.
  • Nations with 'NSC XXX?' beside them can send a reserve entry to the next contest.


First of all, welcome to NSC! If you have any questions regarding the contest, feel free to post them in this thread or ask one of the mods: @Stargazer, @berlyda or @Veronika.

In order to get familiar with the contest, please take a look at the RULES!

If you want to apply for a place in NSC (or if you want to return), simply send a PM to Stargazer - you'll be added to the waiting list (see above).

Please note that you are probably going to be waiting for a long time as there is a strong demand for spots on the roster. In the meantime, you may enter the Waiting List contest, vote in the semi-finals of NSC and take part in the various spin-off contests if you wish to. Don't forget that voting in the finals is compulsory.

And most importantly: Have fun! :mrgreen:


Mod of All Things
Staff member
January 13, 2010
Trollheimr / Westrobothnia
That's the roster properly updated for the NSC 208 edition. @ferret
I'm still away on vacation for a few more days, so I will blame any potential errors on that.

Sadly we lost the wonderful ::zch again. xcry But since the roster was at a temporary 61 members, and the winning poll result was that we should go back to 60 nations once someone withdrew, no Waiting List nation shall be joining us just yet.


January 26, 2019
Prague, Czech Republic
I was almost starting to wonder whether I would end up surpassing Uto's waiting record. Eventually, I am set to make my debut pretty much exactly two years after I sent my first application message to Anna on 20-9-2020. Hooray wooray, this feels pretty good! :)

Thank you for all the nice words of welcome, I am looking forward to the experience xheart


Mod of All Things
Staff member
January 13, 2010
Trollheimr / Westrobothnia
The roster has been updated for the NSC 209 edition! :) @TomCherson

While we sadly had to say goodbye to Kimmystan and Uferbruht, we also get to welcome (and welcome back) Endórë and Öösingimäed to the roster! Ic-Sa-Calli has also changed its name to Tonallán!

Icons will come in the near future! xcheer


Mod of All Things
Staff member
January 13, 2010
Trollheimr / Westrobothnia
Tanoiro is on a break this edition!! I announced it in my topic but I don't know if I needed to announce it here as well. Sorry!
Thanks for letting me know! I would have missed it otherwise, so always announce your breaks here in this thread or directly to me in a private message. :)
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