Pobjednik Dore Marko Bošnjak i pjesma "Poison Cake" predstavljat će nas na ovogodišnjem Eurosongu u Švicarskoj. Marko je tijekom gostovanja u emisiji Dobro jutro, Hrvatska otkrio kako teku pripreme i još puno toga...
i watched an interview with him and he seems such a lovely guy, the hate thing is really rotten, hope he will have fun at esc.
he mentioned milkshake and espresso macchiato to go with the poison cake
anyway, i think i'm interested in his future as an artist.
Yes, the second half of this semi was always going to be a loud mess, anyone could flop or rise to the occasion. If the performance is good, this can make it. It's still the messiest of them all but it's also the most interesting.