My predictions:

will be out of top10 in GF."
It did happen.
"Because in this year there is no clear winner yet, lot of people will be unsatisfied upcoming ESC 2021 winner."
This was worse than I expected, because that drug-scandal of Italian vocalist.

will be angry, because

will be placed higher than

I don't know. I have heard, their media was criticize our entry bad way, but I have no idea, are their now angry, because we placed higher than them.
"Without obvious 24 points at semi-final from each other either


will non-qualify."
Did not happen, because both qualified from their semi-finals
"From each semi-final we will see two surprising Qualifiers and Non-qualifiers."
Surprise qualifiers:

(Her performance wasn't good to qualify)

(Qualified thanks to juries) and


, because it wasn't clear qualifier before rehearsals)
Surprise non-qualifiers:

(Was 9th with televotes and 10th with juries, so biggest surprise),

(It was qualifier before rehearsals, but performance was kind of mess) and

(It was borderline qualifier after rehearsals and performance was good. Juries ruined it to qualify)

is trying over and over again to submit political song to ESC 2021. Finally EBU will get enough and will ban

for a long time to participate in ESC."
Their got two changes and after second change, EBU finally banned and disqualified

"Tusse's face will look like John Lundvik's face, when Tusse will hear the televoting points for Sweden."
Well Tusse was kind of happy with

televote points, so this didn't come true.
"If Finland won't qualify or jury will vote Finland once again low, I will start a riot!"
Finland qualified and jury didn't ranked us low, so I won't start a riot.


will qualify"
Belarus was disqualified and Russia did qualify. So 50%.

Blind Channel's vocalists Joel Hokka and Niko Vilhelm will put their middle fingers up during their act."
Their didn't, so this bold prediction wasn't true.

Instead of the Moon is rising, The Sun is rising."
Well stage was more Sunnier than Moonier, so perhaps?

Televote will vote San Marino high, but jury will vote San Marino low."
Jury voted this higher than televotes, so I was wrong.
"I have one: Everyone will be happy for upcoming Eurovision winner."'
Same answer than my "Because in this year there is no clear winner yet, lot of people will be unsatisfied upcoming ESC 2021" winner." bold prediction.