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Well-known member
December 7, 2013
San Fierro

I'm pretty sure I sent my votes to Mira and I can't see my ranking in WL column



Well-known member
March 16, 2011
Congrats ::tch - totally not surprised that you've won so early in your NSC history, great nation and a great winner xcheer

Really very pleased with 13th place - another strong midtable placing for an entry I thought would be too niche. Special shoutout to ::hal and ::taa for 12s xheart

And thank you to our wonderful hosts ::ufe ::nbs I dont think anyone has ever hosted NSC in such real life condition before, and I am so happy that you were able to find the time and safety to do this :ua: xheart


Staff member
September 28, 2009
Well holy shit, I did not see this result coming 😳

Thank you so so much for the points for Ananke, I found it a really enchanting song from the first listen but worried it'd be a bit too out there, but I'm thrilled so many of you seemed to like it! 2nd place is incredible!

Congrats to Tcher-Racoi on your deserved victory and thanks to our hosts for a truly fantastic edition! xheya xrose


Well-known member
February 13, 2014
Dear all, thank you for your choice.
Tcher-Racoi is happy to see our first win in this great contest.
See you in Chersonville!



Well-known member
May 9, 2015
Thank you for all the points for ::ser and our gentle little song, esp. ::ora and ::lac for the 12s xheart Coincidentally, I adored your songs as well!

And congratulations to ::tch and the winning song. I did get winner vibes from it and I am usually very wrong with those gut feelings, but not this time. Very catchy song and great winner! xcheer

Thank you also for the nice comments about the scoreboards xheart It was a bit of a struggle to produce them and there were bumps along the way, but I did try my best to make them match the spirit and aesthetic of the edition. It was truly an honor to be a part of the Art Haus team and contribute in some way to this art-loving edition xheart


Staff member
September 19, 2015


The Excel document has been updated with correct votes from WL and here is the final scoreboard:

Now I would like to thank, first of all to @ferret who invited me to be part of this hosting. I think that concept of art haus was wonderful itself and I had lots of joy making the banners and results for both semi finals and this ::nbs ::ufe hosting was amazing too, it is something I will never forget. I would also like to express my thanks to @Veronika who made recaps for both semis and final, they were awesome as well 🔥! Recap is a rare treat nowadays and your dedication for this contest is simply admirable. And of course once again big thanks to @Karhu who agreed on providing the scoreboards, I could not imagine anything better. So stylish and perfectly fitting the atmosphere of this hosting as whole. And thanks to @MiraShadowMan for collecting the WL votes, even though the presentation of them looks like a bit of a joke now :lol: IOTAP And congratulations to @TomCherson on your victory! Keep up the great track and I wish you lots of luck with upcoming hosting.
And of course big thanks to everyone who attended live shows and said so many positive things about design of this edition, I really appreciate all of that!


Staff member
September 19, 2015
Thanks to everyone who voted for ::ufe xheart
For me this is a song that has a special place in my heart, as it comes from one of my favorite TV series, Inspector Rex. It is one of my childhood memories and I can only wish it was that time again. Eventually my love for crime dramas and crime fiction grew up and by now I have read many great books and watched many TV series and somewhat it also had an impact on my NSC nation, that is why I decided to create this ::ufe flag which I love so much xlove
I also knew that I would be sending A Good Friend sooner or later, because it was meant to be my last entry in NSC. This edition was perfect for it - Uferbruht was one of the hosting nations so edition itself means a lot for me, it was a PQ nation and this final also had 29 entries instead of 28. I was sure it would finish last, but finishing 29th is much harder than winning the contest :p
Overall ::ufe was a pretty successful nation with awesome qualification percentage and I am happy that over the years I have achieved many great results including 2 victories. I still remember hosting NSC 157 and 164 - great times when I had just joined university and now I am just one step from getting master's degree. Times have indeed changed, and I have to say that I experience no passion for NSC as musical competition anymore. I simply do not feel it the way I should enjoy it as participant. I would, most probably, skip editions one by one in future and such thought does not make me feel happy, so I am now, on September 10 announcing my withdrawal from the contest. I wish @iowacorn and everyone else in NSC all the best! xcheer


Staff member
September 28, 2009
Congratulations Tcher-Racoi! One of my favourite songs of the edition and definitely a worthy winner. Looking forward to seeing everyone in Chersonville.

Thank you to @ferret and the other hosts for this wonderful edition. It's sad to see you go @Alevender but you certainly went out with style. Thanks to @Veronika for the recaps, too. Honestly, that's one part of NSC that I really miss, so it made me very happy to see them in this edition. I used to love spending evenings going through the recaps for all the editions, but now there's a huge hole in NSC history :confused: I wish I had the time to make recaps like I did in the past, but unfortunately I don't see that happening anytime soon
Last edited:


Well-known member
October 1, 2009
Congratulations Tcher-Racoi! Didn't really get the song in the semi, but it grew on me a lot and just missed out on my finale pts :D

Thanks to everyone who voted for ::fer in the semi, I was expecting to crash out even harder so only missing by 7 pts is actually cool :D

And thanks to our team of hosts! I also love the recaps and how they make it easy to look back on past editions, and also wish they were more commonplace in modern NSC :(

Sad to see ::ufe and ::kim go but also intrigued to see what Endórë brings to the table as well as the return of Öösingimaed :eek:


Well-known member
August 5, 2018
My very late response as well!!

Thank you soooooo much for all the points, 16th is WAY above what I expected xheat xlove xhug

:12: ::kim (that farewell :12: 😍🥲) ::szk ::ros
:10: ::tad
:7: ::sol ::fer
:6: ::moi ::ari ::big
:5: ::bal ::com ::sun
:4: ::hal ::tch ::bel ::bif
:3: ::beg ::red
:1: ::nbs

OMG 6th in regular and 2nd in REJU in semi xheat xheat I don't remember last time being THAT high in REJU 🤯

Congrats, ::tch!! Really good winner! xup Maybe not for my top points, but still a really good song I have nothing against.
And yaaaay I guessed the winner in simulation! xyaay Will comment on that too in the Predictions thread.

Thank you sooooo much to all the hosting team @ferret @Veronika @Alevender @MiraShadowMan (if I'm correct) 🔥 🔥

And sooooo unexpected and sad to see ::ufe and ::kim go, but best of luck to you and welcome Endórë and Öösingimäed!! xyaay
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