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  • As for me, I really like Kaliopi's song, Filipa Sousa's song and Euuuuuuuuphoooooooooriaaaaaaa xrofl3. Those are probably my top 3. I also like Nebo (maybe my 4th placer). I'm also happy that Italy changed their song! Their new song is much much better than their old one. Their old one was just so boring. I believe Italy could have a chance at winning it :D.

    Yeah, there's a really high chance now that I'm going to France because the funds look good right now. I plan to visit Croatia during my birthday weekend, I will most likely visit Serbia before the year ends or early next year. So, we better meet up and hang out! :D
    I do hope he keeps the song in Serbian because a Balkan ballad sounds better in a Slavic language than in English. Everybody is saying the similarity! I don't get it :lol:. My best friend loves "Paradise" so I always listen to it whenever I'm with him, and I just don't get the similarity :lol:. I do like the instrumentals in his entry this year. It is very very ethnic and genuine. I just feel as if he doesn't look as passionate on stage as he did back in 2004. He does have an amazing voice, I have to say :). He sings so nicely and so effortlessly :D.
    Hey Milos!

    Talking about Nole, Indian Wells tournament was just last weekend, I have friends who watched it live, since I live really close to Indian Wells (45 minutes away on the freeway). For me, I don't really like Lane Moje, but Lejla is my favorite out of his ESC songs/creations. I think it was something special and different, but I guess every one has their own taste :D.
    Nisam prošla u finale NSC-a :lol: a nekako sam očekivala ispadanje lol ... iako su bili dobri komentari na pjesmu :/
    I'm really happy that you had fun in Zeljko's show! I'm happy also that the ESC mania/euphoria/craze whatever we call it is back in Serbia. I hope that France will have that same craze when I go there next school year. I will have to hide my being a fan around those French people :lol:. D'aww yeah I didn't see much photos on your facebook in my feed. I do like the song, but I liked Lejla much better :)

    Zeljko looks younger than before, if I may say so :)

    For me, it's finals week almost and I'm writing essays as of the moment :eek: :eek:
    Of course quality message is better than bad message :lol:. I know you're busy too, so no worries :D
    Ostalo je 5 zemalja, i dalje ESC 2011 :D od nedjelje ESC 2012 (otvorit ću teme u subotu - nedjelju, još trebam Matta za neke detalje i još trebam dodati nešto u pravila)
    Evo nešto me nekakva upala mučila :/ ali ok sam sad :D

    I meni se sviđa pjesma xcheer ja završavam s ESC BB pre-igrom u nedjelju :D
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