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  • Np :lol: username is a bit untypical, maybe because of that hmmm

    My name is Dubravka, Jukica is just a forum username :lol:
    Miguel, ando por aqui a testar isto....entrei na caixa de mensagens pela primeira vez quando vi a tua mensagem....!! abç
    You seemed like a nice person. So, I added you :D

    Yeah, do send songs that you like :D. That is the point of FSC, to send songs that you enjoy and want other people across the world to enjoy as well :D. So, TBH, I'm in FSC not to win, but to listen to songs from other countries because I love foreign music :D. I do think that there is one simple formula to win (which doesn't deal with musical genres) it has to be an enjoyable song :D. Dance songs has won in FSC, like Remembering the Summer Nights (Dec 2011) and Valged Ööd (Aug 2011) :D

    I love Portuguese music after all ;) :mrgreen:

    Usually, I just go to the "recent releases" section of Amazon and iTunes :lol: That's my secret xrofl2
    I hope to hear more masterpieces from you :D I know the Portuguese juror before you (I think his name was Jose) was more into singers like Aurea. Among the Portuguese singers I really like Ana Duarte, Amor Electro, and Tony Carreira :D. I'm starting to fall inlove with Luisa Sobral's "Xico" I like the retro style of it :D

    Usually, the songs that I put in our NF are brand new releases (as in released within weeks or days before our NF). I try to find songs before they become too popular! :D
    To be honest, I have a really random taste in music. I don't have a favorite genre, so to speak. BUT, if a song is good, then I like it :D. I did like Esta Noite because it had that spark and energy to it:D.My favorite dance song from FSC are Remembering the Summer Nights by Nikki Ponte, Sans Melegim by Kenan Dogulu and Brad Pitt by Severina :D

    Our FSC entries are usually "undiscovered" or new artists because we just don't want to send mainstream radio music because everyone already knows those songs :D.
    OOOH!! Thanks, I was just wondering! I love Tony Carreira's ballads :D. David's Esta Noite was pretty good too :D
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