Avalon August 24, 2015 Hej I would like to have 1:43 - 2:06 in the recap! Thanks for making it x https://youtube.com/watch?v=zPqQQ-HvTGw
Hej I would like to have 1:43 - 2:06 in the recap! Thanks for making it x https://youtube.com/watch?v=zPqQQ-HvTGw
ronny1988 August 24, 2015 Hej :) For NSC 126 recap i would like to have this part of the Song: 3:49 - 4:12 !! Song: http://youtu.be/b0Ej43cYufk thx :)
Hej :) For NSC 126 recap i would like to have this part of the Song: 3:49 - 4:12 !! Song: http://youtu.be/b0Ej43cYufk thx :)
Stargazer August 23, 2015 Heej Luki! xrose I'd like my recap bit to be between 2:30-2:53 of the clip. Thank you! ^^ https://youtu.be/b2u4HC_7GxI?t=2m30s
Heej Luki! xrose I'd like my recap bit to be between 2:30-2:53 of the clip. Thank you! ^^ https://youtu.be/b2u4HC_7GxI?t=2m30s
strajker August 18, 2015 http://www.jasam.hr/ljetnih-900-kilometara-od-subotice-do-umaga/ haos što bi neko dolazil' ovamo tho lol
http://www.jasam.hr/ljetnih-900-kilometara-od-subotice-do-umaga/ haos što bi neko dolazil' ovamo tho lol
anselm April 17, 2015 Tinchey has exceeded their stored private messages quota and cannot accept further messages until they clear some space.
Tinchey has exceeded their stored private messages quota and cannot accept further messages until they clear some space.
Ewigkeit April 11, 2015 Dacă mâine noaptea n-ar mai avea vreo stea Dacă întruna vântul spre mine ar sufla Tu ai fi motivul, tu ai fi motivul să pot Să pot s-o iau de la capăt
Dacă mâine noaptea n-ar mai avea vreo stea Dacă întruna vântul spre mine ar sufla Tu ai fi motivul, tu ai fi motivul să pot Să pot s-o iau de la capăt