CypriotGirl November 28, 2012 Btw, I didn't see what you answered me there! No, it's not RTSN I"m afraid!
CypriotGirl November 25, 2012 Do you know what song we'll send in next WV? Most people guessed it (and I didn't even give hints! )
CypriotGirl November 24, 2012 Please! Anything from Laura Pausini deserves million likes, not only one! And the other songs you suggested as well! I'm happy with your song for FSC December!
Please! Anything from Laura Pausini deserves million likes, not only one! And the other songs you suggested as well! I'm happy with your song for FSC December!
r3gg13 November 21, 2012 I get an email from youtube whenever Magazin uploads a new video, so I usually watch it as soon as I have a chance 2 Good luck with your university things! Talk to you soon! Croatia was amazing!
I get an email from youtube whenever Magazin uploads a new video, so I usually watch it as soon as I have a chance 2 Good luck with your university things! Talk to you soon! Croatia was amazing!
r3gg13 November 20, 2012 Here's the official video of Jutro Nakon MAGAZIN - JUTRO NAKON (OFFICIAL VIDEO HD) - YouTube
r3gg13 November 8, 2012 I listened to that song like 15 times in a row today . At first, I was like what a horrible song, then after a few listens, I fell in love with it!
I listened to that song like 15 times in a row today . At first, I was like what a horrible song, then after a few listens, I fell in love with it!
daniels1000 October 19, 2012 oću,oću ne brini danas i sutra mislim glasat u većini njih(do sad sam glasao samo u dva-tri kratka)
Stargazer September 22, 2012 You're welcome! Fantastic song. I will definitely have to get it on mp3 so I can listen to it more.
Jukica August 25, 2012 Hvala taman navratila da vidim neke stvari, sad odoh i čekam da se malo smire vrućine :/