
Time once again to review the songs at the disposal of the latest country to decide it’s entry for Lisbon. This time it’s the United Kingdom’s turn to select a song for the contest, with six potential acts fighting it out tonight for the victory. But can any of them bring success to the UK in 2018?

Asanda – Legends – 24/30

Sean – 9 points “Gonna get the negatives out the way first… the drops could perhaps use a bit more bass and power and some of the lyrics are questionable. HOWEVER, this is a cut above the rest in this selection and anything in recent years for the UK. It’s fresh, bold, catchy and sassy, and despite the tribal tones it does have a very British urban feel to it too… Does it count as a traditional ethnic entry? We simply must select this!”

Zack – 8 points “It’s like they put together pieces from multiple songs into one, and not in a good Xenomania kind of way…”

David – 7 points “The song is giving some Jamaican vibes for some reason, and not really what I would expect from the UK, so I actually find this quite awesome! However, the lyrics for me, kinda drag out, and it’s the same over and over again.”

Goldstone – I Feel The Love – 15/30

Sean – 7 points “Great vocals and for a girlband entry it’s quite refreshing! I like the brass elements and it somewhat feels quite nostalgic and retro. I’ve seen a lot of people compare it to Little Mix although I feel this is a disservice. With a good performance this could be an underdog in the selection!”

Zack – 6 points “I feel like this is something that belongs on Pitch Perfect or Glee. This is not necessarily a bad thing, but it’s not a good thing either. They will never be O’G3NE.”

David – 2 points “The song started very promising, but then I just lost my attention towards the song. A lot of old style vibes, and then it gets very repetitive. Without a doubt then, I do not feel the love that was put into the song.”

Jaz Ellington – You – 17/30

Sean – 7 points “Man, this has vibesss! It’s probably a bit too Sunday morning easy listening but this guy has soul pouring out of every orifice and a fantastic vocal to keep this track soaring. Who knows what could happen with a show-stopping performance? Something a little different for a Eurovision selection for sure!”

Zack – 9 points “Love this, this is not generic Eurovision stuff. The lyrics sound very real, like a human actually wrote them, and not some Swedish robot. I’m just not sure if this is going to go down the Lucie Jones route of respectable jury votes, very little televote…”

David – 1 point – “I’m just being honest and sharing my personal thoughts, but I just can’t get this song. Don’t get me wrong, Jaz has an incredible voice, but the style of the song, the lyrics, there is just nothing that captures my attention here.”


Liam Tamne – Astronaut – 13/30

Sean – 2 points “Sorry, but no… a couple of years ago I’d have probably shrugged and accepted this type of song but I think the BBC have been successful in moving the selection on from bland, safe, middle of the road songs like this. A bit too Denmark compared to the rest of the selection.”

Zack – 5 points “Decent, but not going to stand out; the middle 8 is terrible. It didn’t put a toot in my horn at all, and that won’t fly at Eurovision”

David – 6 points “Liam seems like a very charming singer, sadly I enjoy the chorus while the rest just feels like filler. Since that’s the case from my view, then he’s lucky that he manage to capture my attention, before it’s too late, otherwise I would’ve lost my interest in the song much faster.”

RAYA – Crazy – 16/30

Sean – 5 points “Ahh… this had all of the ingredients to be a pop Stormer but the chorus lets it down big style. This is the kind of song that needs to slap you around the face but instead it’s a bit flat and they’ve gone for a standard chant of the song title. It’s not bad of course but it’s not quite clicking.”

Zack – 7 points “Catchy, but bad lyrics. I just can’t get past them. These aren’t as bad as whatever we heard in Sweden on Saturday with that “I’m gonna lift you like Patrick Swayze” dreck, but these are still quite eyeroll-inducing.”

David – 4 points “I can see myself enjoying this song after I get used to it, but in this case, it’s the first impression that counts, and here I feel it’s some kind of outdated dance track. I really like when we have lots of upbeats songs, but at least let it be something modern and more up to date.”

SuRie – Storm – 21/30

Sean – 6 points “The lyrics are way too cheesy and the choruses are too basic but I really dig the little vocal samples and aquatic vibes in the verses, wish they’d have made more use of this part in the chorus and make us move a little bit more! A solid little pop number nonetheless if a tad preachy.”

Zack – 7 points “Catchy but just sort of generic. I’m not sure what else I can even say at this point. It’s just blah…”

David – 9 points “- A bit of a slow start, but then the song builds up, and stays up on top. That’s how I like a song when listening to it. I feel caught by the song very easily and I feel that I could listen to it many more times, I feel the song is speaking to you, and it makes the song very unique in my view.”

The winner is clear – we thought that Asanda would be the best choice for the United Kingdom with “Legends”. Will this be the result in the end? We will find out tonight!

What do #YOU think? Who should represent the United Kingdom? Share your thoughts with us on our forum HERE or join the discussion below and on social media!

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