The rules for the Festivalit të Këngës, to be hosted by Radio Television of Kosovo, were accepted by the Board of RTK at its meeting on March 7.

The RTK Board announced that “under this rule, the method of establishment and internal organization of the festival is specified, including its leadership, as well as the rights and duties of those engaged and of the participants.”

The announcement goes on to say that RTK wants to fulfill a multi-year commitment it made to represent the Republic of Kosovo in Eurovision through the festival.

The ordinance adopted at the most recent Board meeting states that the Song Festival in RTK is distinctive in the Kosovo music scene with its own identifying, institutional, and artistic symbols in order to conserve, promote, and exhibit musical values.

Kosovo’s goal has been to participate in the Eurovision Song Contest since 2008’s declaration of independence.

RTK’s debut in the contest is highly anticipated, however no further details are available at the moment.

Source: RTK

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