If you are as excited about the upcoming national finals season as we are, great news for you today!

RTS, who previously confirmed their Eurovision Song Contest 2024 participation, posted an open call for the selection of the entry that will represent Serbia at the most watched musical competition in the world. The competition is open until November 1, 2023.

The broadcaster stated that the national final is “aiming to develop and improve musical creativity in the field of popular music”.

As far as the process goes, a panel of RTS’ musical editors will select the compositions based solely on their artistic quality. If no composition meets the required musical quality, RTS has the right to independently choose the song. The selection of the entry that will represent Serbia and RTS in the competition for Eurovision Song 2024 will be made by an expert jury composed of eminent music and media creators and the audience at the competition, in line with the Eurovision’s own 50% – 50% principle.

Source: RTS

What do #YOU expect to see from Serbia in the upcoming year? Will they be able to finally get their second victory? Let us know on social media @ESCUnited, on our Discord, or on our forum page!

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