A couple of days ago, we reported on the names and songs to fight for the Czech ticket to Tel Aviv.

The eight tracks that are in contention to represent the Czech Republic are;

Matt, Founder & Editor-in-Chief of ESCunited, watched all eight songs and you can watch his reaction by watching the video below. Who are his favorites and should represent the Czech Republic in the Eurovision Song Contest 2019 in Tel Aviv, Israel?

Voting is now open online to decide which act should represent the Czech Republic in Tel Aviv, with a two-week voting window, much like last year. #YOU can vote via the official Eurovision app, with the reveal of the winner and therefore the Czech entry for 2019 taking place on Monday 28th January.

Who is your favourite? Which song do #YOU think the Czech Republic should send to Tel Aviv? Share your thoughts with us on our forum HERE or join the discussion below and on social media!



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