The ESC United Ranking is back! This is where you can vote for your favorite Eurovision songs on a weekly basis.
Our readers award points Eurovision Style to their favorite songs. At the end of the week we will tally up the points, post the results and reset the game to keep the ranking current and up to date.
It’s still fairly with only six songs in the running. But that didn’t stop our readers to share their notes and votes. Congratulations to Norma John from Finland , they find themselves in First place for the second week in a row. But they have competition with Belarus within reach and Naviband can easily catch up. Of course, this can all change so your votes matter. The Big 5 are now complete with Germany, France, Spain and Italy joining in. But first, let’s check the current results:
Detailed Results: HERE
Now we’re doing our weekly reset which means you’ll get to vote again. As mentioned, France, Germany, Spain and Italy will join the fun so make sure to add them to your personal ranking. Do you have a grower or did a song start to rub off on you? Go to our Forum and cast your vote.
It’s simple: Click HERE and post your votes. You have to be a registered member to cast your vote.