
“The future is near, Loreen is coming back”

For some time now Loreen has been using #paperlight on her official Facebook page. A post earlier today presented a countdown to her comeback which you can find here: Loreen Comeback.

Since her win for Sweden in 2012 Loreen has released one album “Heal” and has been performing in several countries, tv shows and released several music videos. A while now it’s been pretty silent around Loreen with the only posts on social media to suggest that something new is coming up. If #paperlight means a single or her second album we don’t know yet but the countdown on her official website states that the come back will be released Wednesday the 11th February, 18.00 CET.

What can we expect for Sweden’s darling Loreen? We will see on Wednesday 18.00 CET!

Source: Loreen Official

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