israel 2015 nadav


The ESC United “Expert” Panel is back once again reviewing all Eurovision songs and rank them accordingly.

You are probably asking yourself on how we pick our panel and the criteria. We looked at people from all walks of life to bring together a unique group of panelists with a wide range in taste. They all bring different skills and tastes to the table so who are they?

Anselm – The Alternative Guy
Arie – The Professional Musician
Daniel – The Noob
Katja – The Schlager Queen
Mike – The Smart One
Olivia – The Journalist

You can read more about them HERE

Disclaimer: While we picked, what we perceived individuals with a wide range in taste, it is subjective to a certain degree so just enjoy their thoughts and if you don’t agree, feel free to post your comments below.

16-year old Nadav thinks he’s a Golden Boy. But does our panel agree? Let’s find out


Olivia – The Journalist
Gosh what a mix! From a slow ballad, to an anthemic dance tune! This is the definition of a ‘Euro-song’. By that I mean it’s a relentless three minute pop song which rapidly bulldozes through a range of genres every 30 seconds, and ends in an anthemic chorus that will force you onto your feet. This is Pitbull meets RnB meets Arab-Israeli infused instrumentals meets dub-step! I can see fans going wild in the EuroClub to this, and fist pupping in the crowd during the semi finals! And, if my mum dancing around the kitchen to this whilst cooking is anything to go by then it’s got a good chance of qualifying. Having said that, my hunch is that Europe is beginning to move away from the classic Euro-pop mould which intersplices ‘ethnic’ ‘exotic’ motifs for good measure. If that is the case, then this may slip down into the second half of the leader board. And of course, we shouldn’t forget that Israel has failed to qualify for four years in a row now. Even Mei Finegold couldn’t edge it last year, despite being a fan favourite.
Points: 8/10

Katja – The Schlager Queen
YAS MAMA! The intro kicks in and I’m already worried – “gosh, another ballad.”, then the verses come up like it’s 2007 and then the chorus! THE CHORUS, which takes me back to my beginnings of my ESC-fandom (2003-2004). I genuinely thought they don’t make such songs anymore! And the keychange, YAY! Oh my god this is fabulous! Apparently Navad ain’t that good live (wasn’t following their Rising Star, guilty of charge) and he may struggle to qualify because of that, but who cares? A legend is born! He’ll be performing in every single ESC-event for the upcoming 5-10 years minimum. Deservedly so. Israel – mazel tov!
Points: 7/10

Daniel – The Noob
The slow intro followed by the melodic verse made my shoulders move to the music. This cool combination is so thrilling I can not stop myself from moving to it. The bridge and especially the chorus, which has some sort of Bollywood-atmosphere, makes this entry absolutely special and outstanding. It is very catchy and it will stay in the mind of the viewers. Making a mental note is probably one of the most important aspects in such a contest.
Points: 7/10

Anselm – The Alternative Guy
Lately Israel always seems to please the Eurovision fandom but never manages to translate it into actual success at the contest. I doubt that will change this year. While I’m not too fond of the verses, the chorus of the song is undeniably catchy and fun. I love how it sounds very Middle Eastern which I would say is a rarity at ESC. Props to Israel for delivering us with some danceable trash which this year clearly lacks!
Points: 6/10

Arie – The Professional Musician
I wish you could have heard me actually laugh out loud when the chorus of this song jumped out of nowhere from a heartfelt ballad of a soul-crushed son speaking to his mother to a defiant “dance away my problems” cheesy pop song.  This song is a joke, right?  I’m a golden boy?  I’m the King of Fun?  If so, it has a way to go before it is treated as the brilliant parody piece that it is.  If it’s going to be staged as an even semi-serious piece, it better kiss it’s ass goodbye right now.   Even the middle eastern vibe from the cantor type chorus lends itself to the schizophrenic tendencies of the composition.  My advice:  camp it up, people!  This could be a song many love to hate!  Just for the 3 minute reference at the end:
Points: 6/10

Mike – The Smart One
Wow.  This song took me aback.  After a couple of years of lovely voluptuous women singing bravura dramatic, if rather repetitive, songs we have a mildly attractive guy doing a song a Turkish female singer could have done with different lyrics.  The Middle Eastern tonality and percussion contrast nicely with the Western melody.  The Golden Boy is of course tongue in cheek and a nice comment on Israeli culture and religion.  The lead singer’s voice is merely average and even that isn’t challenged in this piece.  However, I sort of like this despite its shortcomings.
Points: 7/10

Overall: 41 Points

Not too shabby, 41 points for the Golden Boy from Israel. It may not be the panel’s favorite but it’s overall liked by everyone. Hopefully the same will happen in May. Let’s check the updated ranking:


“Expert” Panel Ranking
No Country Act Song Points
1. Norway
Mørland & Debrah Scarlett A Monster Like Me 49
 2. Australia
Guy Sebastian
Tonight Again  47
3. Estonia
Elina Born & Stig Rästa Goodbye To Yesterday 44
4. Sweden
Måns Zelmerlöw Heroes 43 (9,9)
5. Hungary
Boggie Wars For Nothing 43 (9,8,8,8)
6. Germany
Ann Sophie Black Smoke 43 (9,8)
 7. Austria
The Makemakes I Am Yours  43 (8,8)
8. Israel
Nadav Gudej Golden Boy 41
 9. Denmark
Anti-Social Media The Way You Are  40 (10)
10. Serbia
Bojana Stamenov Beauty Never Lies 40 (8,8)
 11. Romania
Voltaj All Over Again  38
 12. Montenegro
Knez  Adio  37
13. Iceland
Maria Olafs Unbroken 36 (10)
 14. Belarus
Uzari & Maimuna  Time  36 (8)
15. Russia
Polina Gagarina A Million Voices 36 (7)
16. France Lisa Angell  N’oubliez pas  35
17. The Netherlands Trijntje Oosterhuis  Walk Along  34
18. Ireland
Anti-Social Media The Way You Are 33 (9)
19. Czech Republic
Marta Jandová &
Václav Noid Bárta
Hope Never Dies  33 (7)
20. Poland
Monika Kuszyńska In The Name Of Love 29
21. Moldova
Eduard Romanyuta I Want Your Love 26
22. San Marino
Anita Simoncini &
Michele Perniola
Chain of Lights 23
23. Finland
PKN Aina mun pitää 21

Do you think that the panel got this right?!? Share your thoughts below and join the convo on our Forum. See yah soon!

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