Every year our “Expert” Panel comes together to judge all entries for the Eurovision Song Contest and they’re back to take apart the 2013 entries and rank them accordingly. While their characters and comments may be wacky, the scores are dead serious. All 13 panelists will comment on the song and rank them accordingly giving it points using a scale from five to zero. At the end you’ll also get to cast your vote in the poll. If you would learn more about the panelists and to discuss the show, join us on our Forum HERE
Let’s have a look at the current scoreboard:
Switzerland was one of the first countries to pick their song for Malmo and they decided on sending TAKASA which was formerly known as Heilsarmee. Their song is titled “You and me” and let’s find out what the panel has to say about this one.
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Did you know. I was part of the Salvation Army? Oh yes, we had great times especially with music with the good old Chellos and Violins and the Trumpets! That young chap mixed the Old Generation and Young Generation excellent to produce a great song!
Great song of Salvation army
I love the beats, vocals, clothes of the band members, their behave with the public, especially drums made a song more special. Though this song was one of the fist announced songs of this year, I’ve never tired of it. It reminds me old songs of teenager time, when we gathered near the fire with guitars and dreamed of a big future. This composition brings very positive emotions to a person’s soul, you want to do something important in your life after listening to it
Did anyone say lively? We get a lively anthem-like song from Switzerland this year. Why not? It is of nice quality, and well sung. Catchy too, it hooks you the first time you listen to it and would not let you go, just like my song “Oops I did It Again.” The lyrics are very very cheesy, Switzerland is a dairy country after all. I forgive, and forget that because the song is so good and lively.
One of the guys is 94 years old. my mother always used to say: “The older you get, the better you gut. Unles you’re a banana”. So kudos to Switzserland for sending such a diverse group of people. I like it, it’s a sing along song which this year’s contest needs more of.
The Salvation Army have a surprisingly rock style of song, complete with various other instruments to give it some individuality. It took me a couple of listens to get into this, but It keeps going for the whole 3 minutes with no massive low points. It’s high energy and high tempo, with solid vocals. I think Switzerland might just sneak into the final with this one. It’s another solid effort by the Swiss. I’d give it a decimal score if I could, but It gets the benefit of the doubt from me.
Hmmmm dis is quite ok. I like a the mismatch of ages. I like a da old wid a the young and all the in-between. One thing I don’t like is ageism. There is no place for it. We should all sing and come together no a matter what our age isss. The song is a bit like a repetitive buuutt is catchy due to it.
Eau: Oh dear. It looks like the annual big band has arrived. Almost every year we have such a band at Eurovision. Last year we had for example Izabo and Mandinga and in 2011 we had Sjonni and his friends. They look like they’re singing on the street or in a small theatre, for charity. I always feel the urge to donate a few pennies to them. I was born to be generous. It’s in my nature, I can’t help it.
Liz: Oh yes, I mean the song does sound like a big-band song. It’s a… (to be continued)
Catchy song that is easy to sing-a-long. Seems like they are from the salvation army, I have been a member all along. But it wasn’t that fun. We didn’t have a gun. The song is though pretty nice. But not something I would listen to normally at peace
Well, this is a pleasant song to listen… when you’re neither sober nor drunk. I don’t have anything more to say about it.
My grandma told me to support these guys because they are Protestants, but no thanks! What a boring and uninispiring song! Not to mention that “You and me” is not a good title for a Eurovision entry. Remember Joan last year? And what is that grandpa doing in the band? Will he still be alive till May?
The fact my mum was humming the melody straight away shows a) it’s memorable but b) too ordinary. This won’t make much of an impact in Malmo at all. It’s obvious, generic and has no uniqueness. It’s got a good rock/pop feel to it and is reasonablyhappy. Its like surfing a wave, highs and lows with more of the latter.
This song also brings back bad memories, or rather, lack of good memories! My terrible hygiene and interesting culinary skills have prevented me from ever even coming close to having someone to spend my life with. I tried singing this song to a stray dog I found but he chose to jump into a canal rather than be my friend. Bad song!
Gold and silver do not turn to dust. They can oxidize, however..*pulls an arrogant smirk* Haven’t I taught you anything? Now that you haven’t learnt anything, one would expect you to have a decent song this year. Expectations have not been met, as this song is detestable. Another vile zero from me.
Now it’s your turn, go to our Forum HERE and vote in the poll.