Every year our “Expert” Panel comes together to judge all entries for the Eurovision Song Contest and they’re back to take apart the 2013 entries and rank them accordingly. While their characters and comments may be wacky, the scores are dead serious. All 13 panelists will comment on the song and rank them accordingly giving it points using a scale from five to zero. At the end you’ll also get to cast your vote in the poll. If you would learn more about the panelists and to discuss the show, join us on our Forum HERE
Let’s have a look at the current scoreboard:
Italy is the next country to be reviewed by our lovely panel. Let’s find out if they enjoyed Marco Mengoni’s L’essenziale.
[vsw id=”X2C-ePvHfAs” source=”youtube” width=”425″ height=”344″ autoplay=”yes”]
What have my royal ears just heard? This is just amazing! Mi piace molto! Such an emotional song, Italian pop ballad at its best! And Italian language sounds so lovely! Go Italy for the win!
Eau: O my dear, the finest Italian coffee has arrived…can you hear the quality and the finesse of the music? Such a wonderfully composed piece. Pure Italian exquise.
Liz: O yes. It has such a nice cadence of fast-slow, up-down even at sentence level…
Eau: I’m not sure what you’re talking about dear, I’m just enjoying this song. You probably mean the cadence of the Italian language. It has such nice musical flow to it. Literally enchanting. Just like the coiffure of Marco Mengoni.
Liz: But what a shame that he… (to be continued)
This is Italy for me. Filled with emotions and very lovely feeling from the mediterranean sea. This can absolutly be the winner. Hope that Italy has really thought of what to send so they haven’t begun being dreamer. This could lead to nightmares. About a Eurovision-hosting and money on fires.
Why Italy you leave it so long to show us you song? I no have as much a time with you as I do with others. I do like though your song. It very relaxant whilst still building and of the epic propella of wisdom inside. I like a the mans sideburns. Very impressant. Almost as impressant as my hair BUTaaa not quite. Still I love musica from italia (one of my favourite artist was egyption born italian Dalida). I like a this song more dan your last year cause you were foolish changing “Per Sempre”. I don’t like this as much as the classic “Rapsodia” though.
I would call this a potential hit, but It’s already very popular outside of ESC. Multiple millions of hits on youtube. Why? Because It’s an emotional, well constructed song that also sounds very modern. Marco’s singing is perfect for this type of piano-based pop ballad and he makes it feel very personal. It does get slightly boring in the middle though. Italy’s comeback has been amazing. For the third year in a row, I expect a top 10 finish for this brilliant piece of music. Would be a worthy winner as well.
A classic ballad in Italian style. At first listening I found the song boring and it didn’t impressed me a lot. But at the second listening I’ve changed my mind. I love the voice of Marco, it makes a song very sweet. The whole content of the composition is very strong and professional
Almost 8 million views on Youtube; it seems to be a prettypopular song! However, those sideburns won’t do him any justice at all! Hewants to take a leaf out of my book for sure. This is a decent song, even if itis a little slow in places. I think with Italy’s comeback recently, this coulddo well. I’m imagining lots of candles on stage or glow sticks being wavedaround the audience in Malmo. This needs a simplistic performance so we’ll seeif he can connect with the viewers with such an intimate song. I prefer this tolast year’s efforts though.
I was hoping for something to match their rich cuisine from Italy, but rather than sumptuous linguine and tomato sauce, it is more like my own Italian food. A big let down. One of the worst from the Big 5!
Another good Italian song I think this may bring Rome 2014!
How beautiful can be Italian language!!! Anyway, I believe that is not enough. Marco has indeed a very pleasant voice, but the songs is so boring that even my good friend Sandman will go asleep.
What a boring snooze fest. The song has good potential had it been sung by a better singer. The emotions are there, but it is not delivered. It is like a package that gets in limbo in the postal service. I wish Marco sung the song with more emotions because the delivery would have made this entry amazing. I think you understand what I’m saying. Good song but average delivery.
I think my eyelashes fell asleep listening to this song. The only redeeming quality this song posesses are the first 15 seconds of the song. Now let’s get past this one so we can discuss real music.
Unelievable arogance this man posses, keeping me uptight to the very last moment. So I waited so long for this? Dull and uninspiring. I already see fans praising this. Are they crazy or are under the Italian Imperius curse?? I am bored, time to get rid of it. I shall make an easy note of this. Get readyyy…. Avada kedavra
Now it’s your turn, go to our Forum HERE and vote in the poll.
April 19, 2013 at 11:06
Arrogant brick looking like a demon from hell with a truckload of cheese.
Am I an expert now too?