Every year our “Expert” Panel comes together to judge all entries for the Eurovision Song Contest and they’re back to take apart the 2013 entries and rank them accordingly. While their characters and comments may be wacky, the scores are dead serious. All 13 panelists will comment on the song and rank them accordingly giving it points using a scale from five to zero. At the end you’ll also get to cast your vote in the poll. If you would learn more about the panelists and to discuss the show, join us on our Forum HERE

It is Hungary’s turn today who went through an elaborate selection process including multiple heats, Semis and of course a Final show.  The winner was ByeAlex with Kedvesem (Sweetheart). Let’s find out if the panel thinks it  was all worth it.


[vsw id=”UmjsIhihJMY” source=”youtube” width=”425″ height=”344″ autoplay=”yes”]

5 Points

Britni SpirsovicOh Hungary, thank you thank you thank you for saving this year from crazy bad songs. The soft guitars, the soft vocals, soothes my ailing heart. This reminds me of the Adriatic breeze blowing during the nice summer months, soothing and fantastic. All my problems about my failure as a commercial artist disappears when I listen to this.



4 Points


Barb E Dahl

While I don’t get why somebody would name a country hungry I really like the song, it’s a sweet lullaby even though I don’t speak Hungrish. I wouldn’t call this song genius though. A genius is a guy like Norman Einstein.


Eau d'yre  LizzyEau: Well, the gentleman can’t really sing. He’s without a doubt one of the weakest vocalists in this competition. But sometimes a great voice isn’t necessary for a great song or doesn’t even fit a particular type of song. And this time, the voice matches the song quite nicely actually. And what a sweet song. I think I could sing this to my grandchildren.
Liz: Except that you don’t speak any Hungarian, Eau… Do you think this has a chance at qualifying? (to be continued)

Petronella PoetryThis song feels so honest. He feels like a good and real artist. Even if I don’t understand Hungarian it feels great when listens to it. Like a fire in fireplace and eating a banana split. (yummy…)




3 Points

King Valentino XVIIThis a song is hmmmm a nice but perhaps a little too polished and sparkly for what it is. I listen to quite a bit of musica somewhat similar to dis out a side of esc But a.. I would no probably listen to a this one. I like songs like this to be raw.. I a tell you doh what a dis man need a do. He need to get cassette tape out and record song onto cassette. Den is song is gonnaaa sound a more like a raw. More a special. This song needs a dirtying a upper.


Emma Magnuson

This song is sweet and relaxing, but I can’t imagine it in Eurovision stage. I think it lacks climax and something to keep the interest of the audience during the performance. It’s something that I’d like to listen in my mp3 player, but not something I would see doing well in Eurovision.


RobertThis song is good enough, especially I like the combination of the man vocal and guitar accords. This composition brings calmness and pacification to me. Maybe someone can find it boring, but I find it a good ballad, which is enriched by Hungarian language. Though, I can’t understand a single word in it, I have a confidence, that the song has a positive meaning


2 Points

Grandpa WatermanWhat did he say? I can’t hear him!


Glittery S BobThis is another boring song for this year. Sorry, Hungary, but not even my stardust could help you go in the final.



MorenikSuch a lovely song! So warming, so soothing, like a good tomato soup! Unfortunately I tend to burn soup, so I’m going to give it a low grade. Otherwise a nice song, it just evokes poor memories!





1 Point

Dark MasterMy fellow colleague likes to listen to this kind of music. I dislike my fellow colleague, hence I dislike the sound of this. I almost feel impotent hearing this. Either way, he cannot sing. Songs like this have not done well on Eurovision, so the performer might as well be called ByeFinal. Hipsters, do not challenge me on this one. Otherwise…con-sequence-ees…will… follow



0 Points

Scotty Too HottyAt first, I thought – What the hell! Is it singing or someonetalking over a sex telephone line?  The guitar sound is pretty but I don’t thinkit will float many people’s boats and therefore won’t have a chance of qualifying. A dead cert not to! Not much else to say


Alex ChandhokThere is is no song like it at year’s contest. Although it may pick up live, generally this song is a good sleep-inducing lullaby, but for a song at Eurovision is completely hopeless. His voice goes right through me. The main problem with the song is that it just doesn’t even get into second gear. If you’ve heard the first 30 seconds of it, you’ve heard the rest. This may appeal to certain types of voters, but I feel Hungary are in serious danger of early elimination. It’s a weak, lazy effort by Hungary this year.






Current Score: 33



Now it’s your turn, go to our Forum HERE and vote in the poll.

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