Every year our “Expert” Panel comes together to judge all entries for the Eurovision Song Contest and they’re back to take apart the 2013 entries and rank them accordingly. While their characters and comments may be wacky, the scores are dead serious. All 13 panelists will comment on the song and rank them accordingly giving it points using a scale from five to zero. At the end you’ll also get to cast your vote in the poll. If you would learn more about the panelists and to discuss the show, join us on our Forum HERE

Let’s have a look at the current scoreboard:



Tonight the panel is going to discuss and rank the Greek song. Koza Mostra feat. Agathonas won the NF with their memorable song “Alcohol is free”. Let’s see if this won over the hearts of the panel


[vsw id=”G3k2MOJOkKg” source=”youtube” width=”425″ height=”344″ autoplay=”yes”]




5 Points

 Britni Spirsovic

Give me my alcohol. I must dance and sing along to this song. Excellent this song is. You thing bad components make bad songs, but this time it is the opposite. You have OK singing, OK instruments but combine them together and you have an amazing song. It is ready for a party.


Emma MagnusonWow, this is amazing! I love the combination of folk instrument with ska music, it makes me wanna dance! I can’t understand anything that these guys sing about except that part “alcohol is free”, and I like this fact! It reminds me my holidays in Mykonos last year, if you know what I mean!


Barb E DahlThe policy refused to listen to the song when I was arrested trying to take the booze from the store without paying. But I’ll try again tomorrow…..cause this song just is what I expect from Eurovision. It’s catchy, it’s fun and it makes you wanna dance. In a draggy year, this really stands out.




4 Points

Petronella PoetryThis feels greek in the good way. I just wanna drink some ouzo and just wanna drunk make the time fly away. Alcohol is Free means the party has started! Tell me where and I run as I can the fastest.




3 Points

Grandpa WatermanThe best bit about Greece is the guy playing that guitar with an amazing voice!




Dark MasterI do not allow alcohol in my school and as such those who will smuggle it inside, and who will be found of doing so, will face severe consequences. As a Dark Science Master, I tend to make alcohol in my chambers only for scientific purpose. Now, the song starts so well with the ethnic sound and it transitions smoothly to the ska. However, the chorus on English is repulsive. It takes away from the purity of this song.


King Valentino XVIIAlcohol is free eh? Well it is a good job I only drink in a social situations. This entry is sooo very Greek. Men in dresses, dancing whilst playing instruments. It is a jolly experience. I have it in good knowledge that this is a how you say…. Ska musica? Ok I like. Maybe not crazy like like er One Last kiisssss but I no mind.


RobertOhh, such a positive and funny song! Great prelude of old Greek man with a traditional music instrument and typical Greek singing. And after that a cheerful group of singing boys which are crying: “Alcohol is free!”. I even had a desire to buy a ticket and fly to Greece only for having one pile of vodka with that guys. Special thanks to that old man, which made me to smile




2 Points

Alex ChandhokThe ethnicity is practically flowing from this effort. It was my least favourite from Greece’s strong national final, but one thing that can’t be denied is It’s inherent catchiness, and It’s insanely quick tempo certainly lights things up, but I feel It sounds very cheap and the vocals aren’t exactly spectacular. As for how It will do, I find it hard to predict, although the fact that we are talking about Greece means that this will probably do well at ESC, but I feel Greece had an opportunity to try something different. This hits wide of the mark.

Eau d'yre  LizzyLiz: Aah! Here we have the Greek entry. Are you ready for some mediterranean dancing, Eau?
Eau: And to wear something skimpy like the girl from last year? Spare me, Liz. Women of our age should do whatever they can to avoid stomach flu.
Liz: O wait, this can’t be the Greek entry, can it? It’s a ska song. They’re wearing scottish skirts! And they’re singing about … alcohol? Alcohol is free?
Eau: I’m not surprised at all. O dear. It’s like the Greek are…(to be continued)

1 Point


0 Points

Scotty Too HottyTypical Greece! You don’t even have to know who this is before listening to it. Got a few plates to chuck anyone? Traditional, quirky but utterly terrible. Surely you’d only see this at a wedding? No doubt Europew ill love this – they usually do when Greece sends these types of songs.



MorenikVery misleading song! I heard it, I liked it, well, what bits of it I could understand, and so I went to the pub and had ten vodka shots and refused to pay, as Alcohol is Free apparently! Now I am in debt to the barman! Only a Greek song could cause debt just by listening to it!



Glittery S BobI am sure that all alcoholics in Europe will vote for this song. Also, if you throw me some bottles of metaxa, maybe I’ll also vote with them! Anyway, I have a message for Greeks: << I am usually honest and even if you try to bribe me, your song still sucks!







Now it’s your turn, go to our Forum HERE and vote in the poll.

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