Every year our “Expert” Panel comes together to judge all entries for the Eurovision Song Contest and they’re back to take apart the 2013 entries and rank them accordingly. While their characters and comments may be wacky, the scores are dead serious. All 13 panelists will comment on the song and rank them accordingly giving it points using a scale from five to zero. At the end you’ll also get to cast your vote in the poll. If you would learn more about the panelists and to discuss the show, join us on our Forum HERE

The second country to be judged by our exquisite Panel is Croatia. This country decided early on to go with a traditional music style called klapa and a few months later “Mizerja” was born. Six of the finest klapa artists came together for this project known as Klapa s Mora. Let’s find out how the panel is going to rank this one.


[vsw id=”qdESBf3UFQI” source=”youtube” width=”425″ height=”344″ autoplay=”yes”]

5 Points


Grandpa Waterman

I cant stop clapping to this it’s Wonderful!




4 Points

King Valentino XVIIThe a handsome men from Croatia sing a Klapa I believe. What a nice song. I feeeeel like I being serenaded. The lead singer who’s hair is almost as nice as mine has lovely voice. He really leads the others well. I am excitant to see just how this will be staged at the esc. It may not set the world on fire but it is pleasant and I like very much to meet these gentlemen. Mi piace

Eau d'yre  LizzyEau: Aaah, it’s the Croatian entry. Such a calming melody. Memories arise of the times I spent in the Austrian mountains in the 1960s with my cousin’s cousin, princess Sisi. Doesn’t this music just caress your ears, Liz?
Liz: Hmmm, I guess it does. It’s totally unassuming and inoffensive.
Eau: I could play this in my musical soirées and everyone would praise me for having such an excellent and eccentric taste in music. The melody is just so pleasant and the vocal qualities of the six gentlemen is simply superbe. (to be continued)

Dark MasterA beautiful, soothing melody from Croatia. The vocalists are doing an outstanding job. I even like the title. It reminds me of Kathy Bates in her everyday mood. This is why we make good friends with her and Jane Lynch… if anybody.. wondered. Now, the only issue I have with this is the instrumental. It could have been more enriched with traditional elements.

Emma MagnusonBeautiful song. I close my eyes and I imagine myself in a boat at the seafront of Dubrovnik. I see these men coming out of a fishing boat, having fisherman hats and singing this song. We used to have a house there and we went with my family to spend some weeks of the summer, and now all these memories came back to me while listening to this song.

3 Points

MorenikWhat an odd song. It’s called Misery but it’s got such a happy tone to it! Very misleading, quite like my Eggs Benedict, which contain no eggs and no former popes! It would be a winner, but the contradictions overwhelm. Sorry Croatia!


Alex ChandhokWhat a ballsy move by Croatia to go for Klapa. It isn’t  true Klapa, that would be suicidal. But they have tried hard to do something different and the singers all compliment each other wonderfully. Having Baritone and Tenor will really set this apart from the higher pitch acts. The musical accompaniment will give it a further audience reach. Although it is difficult to get in to, I appreciate what they have done, and the skill involved.
This may be too far fetched to qualify, but I applaud the move and I enjoy the song. It should be awesome live.

RobertOpera sounds very cool during the song. I remember the trip to Croatia with our circus, I’ve even tried to study a bit Croatian there. Though the voices looks very harmonious, in common the song is forgettable. I suppose this is a really wrong choice because this kind of compositions are not for the wide audience, they are more for acquired taste. Very average song which didn’t impressed me at all

Britni SpirsovicI am avr dat aur neighbor is having Klapa this year. I expected wonderful song but all I get is Mižerja, mižerja. I don’t like it, it is not good. Only vocals are good, genuine, proper. The song is not real klapa. It is pop pop pop. Even then, it is not bad at all. It is, erhm how do you say it, nicely made. For people who are not avr of real klapa can trast this song as real klapa.



Petronella PoetryNot what I normally would listen to. But this feels honest and very traditionally true. It is a typical song that you would hear in former Yugoslavia I suppose. This will I think grow and in Malmö be like a rose. Good song Croatia, be proud. I think you can finally overcome and finally get to the final, thanks to the crowd.


Barb E DahlI only speak American and a few words in Mexican since they’re our neighbors but this language sounds more foreign to me than Celine Dion and I only understand every other word she says. I assume these are the Backstreet Boys from Croatia? As a music lover I appreciate outstanding vocals and they sure know how to harmonize. The spark is missing here though so unless they start taking their shirts off, this is just too foreign to me.


2 Points

Scotty Too HottyThe singing aspect is excellent although if I saw a bunch of guys looking at each other the way they do, I’d think I was in the gay village in Manchester. I hope they change the god damn terrible choreography in Malmo because it just doesn’t add anything to the songat all. I have no idea what they’re singing about but it’s a ‘nice’ melody. Thetrouble is, ‘nice’ isn’t good enough these days. You’re more than likely able to hear this song in an advert for a holiday to Italy than on the TV veryoften!

 Glittery S Bob

Are we in 2013 or 1913? This song reminds me of the endings of parties when everyone falls under the table from both dance and drink and in the background you hear noises of some singers bored with life. However, I’ll send a little stardust for luck in the semifinal for the beautiful voices of those 6 males.



1 Point NONE


0 Points NONE


Current Score: 43


Now it’s your turn, go to our Forum HERE and vote in the poll.


The community aka “Angy Mob” had the chance to vote in the poll to add a few more points to the final score and an additional 3.3 points will be given to Croatia.


Final Score: 46.3

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