Firstly an apology for the somewhat delayed posting of the Day Six roundup! I’d love to claim that it was a bank holiday to blame, but in all honesty it was mere forgetfulness! Anyway, here is your roundup from yesterday so you can relive the excitement already!
Day Six’s rehearsals that went underway today were for all of the performers of Semi Final 1 except Greece and San Marino, so lots to get through! But first, a quick catchup with the news from around the Contest.
The Jerusalem Post reported that KAN, the Israeli broadcaster, have been offering free tickets to people living in the vicinity of Gaza, which underwent a barrage of rocket fire at the weekend. The move was possible due to the number of unsold tickets for both semi finals, as well as the rehearsals. It seems that high prices have led to a lower than expected uptake and this move should help improve the atmosphere in the arena!
Also reported today was that Katie Miller-Heidke, the Australian representative, has been suffering from cellulitis due to her wearing “stupid stilettos” whilst filming her postcard. Fortunately, she had recovered and has been doing rather well on stage today in Tel Aviv…
Everyday, escYOUnited, your favourite Eurovision site, will be bringing you a roundup of the day’s events to make sure #YOU don’t miss a thing!
The fifteen countries performing today were as follow, with links to the official ESC snippets below! Click on the song title to check out the rehearsal footage.
Cyprus: Tamta – “Replay”
Montenegro: D Mol – “Heaven”
Finland: Darude ft. Sebastian Rejman – “Look Away”
Poland: Tulia – “Fire of Love (Pali Się)”
Slovenia: Zala Kralj & Gašper Šantl – “Sebi”
Czech Republic: Lake Malawi – “Friend of a Friend”
Hungary: Joci Pápai – “Az én apám”
Belarus: ZENA – “Like It”
Serbia: Nevena Božović- “Kruna”
Belgium: Eliot – “Wake Up”
Georgia: Oto Nemsadze – “Keep On Going”
Australia: Kate Miller-Heidke – “Zero Gravity”
Iceland: Hatari – “Hatrið mun sigra”
Estonia: Victor Crone – “Storm”
Portugal: Conan Osiris – “Telemóveis”
Today’s ESCXTRA press poll of 35 journalists gave some interesting results! With more songs to spread the points among, we see less of a lead for the top songs, but Day 2 favourite Australia managed to maintain their position at the head of the pack with a significant lead. More of a surprise, perhaps, is how badly Cyprus have fared – only managing fifth place having led the rankings on Day 1 – and they ended up behind the lowly-rated Georgia, who again managed to beat much more favoured songs to a high score. Otherwise, no major changes in the rankings from the first rehearsals, although remember that neither Greece nor San Marino featured today.

Which rehearsal did #YOU enjoy the most/least? Has anything made #YOU change your mind about a song? Let us know below in the comments, or on our forum!