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Tag Archives: zelmerlöw

Melodifestivalen: How did the Swedish people vote?

Saturday final of Melodifestivalen resulted in Måns Zelmerlöw winning with the song “Heroes” but how did the Swedish people and international jury really vote? SVT just released the full status of the voting of each semifinal, andra chansen and the final. To follow are some fun facts about this years voting in Melodifestivalen, in the end of the article you …

Melodifestivalen 2015 running order

Today SVT released the running order for the semifinals of Melodifestivalen 2015. In the voting “Which artist do you look forward to the most” on SVTs website there is about 8 700 votes, with the former Melodifestivalen winner Eric Saade leading on 19 %. The excitement for Eric Saade has placed him in the same spot as Loreen when she won in …