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Tag Archives: yianna terzi

The ESC United “Expert” Panel 2018 – Greece

[AdSense-B] We’re almost ready to move on to the panel’s reviews of Greece, but what did #YOU think of Montenegro? midnightsun (Forum) – “I‘m quite confident this will qualify – it surely deserves to! To me it‘s still “Lane Moje” or (the even better) “Lejla” (one of my favourite Eurovision songs ever!) league. I don’t see any difference between them …

Reaction Video: National Final cancelled, Gianna Terzi selected internally

The Greek broadcaster somewhat unexpectedly cancelled the Greek National Final, choosing Gianna Terzi as the representative and she is going to represent Greece at the 2018 Eurovision Song Contest in Lisbon, Portugal. #YOU can watch our reaction video to the Greek song below, make sure to leave us a comment and subscibe for more if #YOU enjoyed the video!

Greece: Gianna Terzi confirmed for Eurovision

[AdSense-B] After the withdrawal of two of the three planned entrants caused Greece’s plans for a national selection to fall through, the Eurovision Song Contest page has confirmed that Gianna Terzi will represent Greece with her song “Oneiro Mou,” a moderately paced number in Greek combining pop and folk elements. The song has been released; you can give it a …