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Tag Archives: UMK

Finland UMK 17: My First Band “‘Paradise’ is the first single release from our upcoming fourth album”

The final of Uuden Musiikin Kilpailu is scheduled for the 28th January 2017. YLE & the competing artists are currently preparing for this show which will decide the artists and the song that will participate for Finland in Kiev for this year’s Eurovision competition. The popular Finish band, My First Band, is one of the competing artists and today Antti …

Finland: Last 3 Acts Selected

The third and last semi-final in Finland’ national selection, know as “”Uuden Musiikin Kilpailu 2016” has come to an end. In the third semi-final, we had the pleasure of watching the last 6 acts, who are taking part in this years Finnish selection. Lieminen – “Pehmeiden arvojen vaalijat” Tuuli Okkonen – “Don’t Wake Me Up” Gušani Brothers – “Poom Poom” …

Finland: Three More Acts To The Final

In an unusually busy night in the world of Eurovision, we have had a number of countries hosting shows in order to select their representatives for the 2016 Eurovision Song Contest, One of those was Finland. six acts took to the stage tonight: Mikael Saari – On It Goes Annica Milán & Kimmo Blom – Good Enough Cristal Snow – …

Podcast: Four Semis and two Heats in one night

In todays ESC United  Know-It-Alls Podcast, we are going to review the songs from the many, many Semis that took place yesterday. Sweden, Finland, Iceland and Ukraine all selected a few songs and send the rest packing while Hungary and Lithuania are still narrowing down the field of acts through Heats. In case you didn’t have the opportunity to listen …

Finland: UMK Participants Revealed

Over the last few weeks the Finnish broadcaster have revealed hints as to who will be participating in this year’s UMK. Today the official announcement was made. There will be three heats in Finland on the 6th of February. 13th of February and the 20th of February. Here are the acts in each heat: Heat 1: 6th of Febryary ClemSO …

Finland: Krista Siegfrids and Roope Salminen to Host UMK

Today, YLE, had a big announcement to make regarding UMK 2016, the show that will select the Finnish representative for the 2016 Eurovision Song Contest. The announcement that was made is that the hosts for this year’s national final will be no other than the 2013 Finnish representative Krista Siegfrids, alongside Roope Salminen who hosted UMK 2015. The actual finalists will …

Finland: UMK final line-up complete!

Finland’s last semi-final took place tonight and the finalists of this year’s Uuden Musikiin Kilpailu (UMK) have been decided after three more songs joined the line-up. Solju, Järjestyshäiriö and Angelo de Nile qualified tonight to leave us with nine songs left in the competition. All nine acts will sing again next Saturday (28th February) to win the chance to represent Finland …

Tonight: Super Saturday #3

We’ve got the third Super Saturday of this season ahead of us! Tonight, things will go a bit more quiet in comparison to last week, however. Estonia and Lithuania will make their final choices whereas Finland, Hungary and Sweden will air semi finals of their respective preselections. Here’s an overview on everything you need to know for tonight’s Super Saturday …

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