Home Tag Archives: tel-aviv

Tag Archives: tel-aviv

Eurovision 2019: Israel to perform 14th in the grand final

We have finally reached the goal; it wasn’t all too easy, but it never is, but we made it! Another season of national finals and internal selections has concluded, and we now have all 41 songs that will compete this year. [AdSense-B] With all that in mind, then now it’s time to really get into the Eurovision spirit, sharing your …

Sweden: John Lundvik wins Melodifestivalen 2019!

It’s was the very last national final of this season, and when you’re reading this… well, then it’s all over for this year. Sweden kept with their long running national selection, Melodifestivalen. [AdSense-B] Melodifestivalen 2019! It’s the most famous and most followed national final every year, once again Sweden showed Europe how to host a spectacular show. We started with …

Belarus: ZENA is going to Tel-Aviv with “Like It!”

With a new song being released any second these days, Eurovision entry reveals are crazy right now! Belarus is here to fill us in with another national final. [AdSense-B] Otbor 2019! The national final season of 2019 is about to end, and normally, Belarus is among one of the first countries to have a national final, but this time, they …

Portugal: The final line-up is complete

Last year, they had the honour of finally showing Lisbon to the world and host our beloved contest, but now everything is back to normal and we’re one step closer to knowing who will represent Portugal this year. [AdSense-B] Semi-Final 2 Last week, the first semi-final of  Festival da Canção 2019 took place, and tonight the second semi-final took place. Just like …

Romania: Second semi-final has concluded!

Bună seara from Arad! –  It’s been 2 long weeks since the first semi-final, but tonight we had the second semi-final taking place. With that, we now know the 12 finalists for the national final next week. [AdSense-B] Live from the Banat region in western Romania, 12 acts competed in the second semi-final in order to progress to the final and …

Italy: Mahmood wins Sanremo 2019 & will go to Tel-Aviv!

The grand Italian festival Sanremo took place this past week, and what a glorious week it has been of new Italian music, but what we care most about is, who is going to Eurovision, so let’s have a look at this past week’s festival! [AdSense-B] Often seen as the mother of the Eurovision Song Contest, since our beloved contest was …

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