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Tag Archives: russia

Julia Samoilova to represent Russia!

She won’t let us indifferent. Russia One has just annouced that girl in wheelchairs – Julia Samoilova will fly Russian flag in Kiev. Song is titled ‘Flame is burning’ Julia is 28-years old musician, who was born and raised as normal and developed child. But following health problems she lost a function of her legs when doctors suggested she might die within …

WHY RUSSIA? Russia to boycott Eurovision 2017 due to…?

Although the deadline for registration of the countries for participation in Eurovision Song Contest expires by 13th of March, Russia has not yet announced a final decision, but more unnamed source claims that Russia would boycott the competition that will be held in May in Kiev. According to Russian newspaper ”Nezavisimaya Gazeta” Russia won’t participate at Eurovision 2017 that will take …

Russia: Alexandrov Ensemble involved in plane crash

Some sad news emerging from Russia this morning, as it has been confirmed that 64 members of the Alexandrov Ensemble, well known in many countries as part of the Red Army Choir, have died in a military plane crash in the Black Sea. The ensemble formed part of the memorable interval act of Eurovision 2009, which was hosted in Moscow, …

LIVE COVERAGE: Rehearsal Day 2

Day 2 commences and we’re looking at some great weather here in Vienna.  We’re LIVE from the press centre at Wiener Stadthalle, Vienna to complete the second set of rehearsals from Semi-Final 1! Today, we will be discussing the rehearsals of Serbia, Hungary, Belarus, Russia, Denmark, Albania, Romania, and Georgia.  How will they match up to the great performances from Moldova, Armenia, Belgium, Netherlands, …

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