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Tag Archives: rhiannon

Malta: Our top 10 moments in the contest

[AdSense-B] The Malta Eurovision Song Contest ended yesterday. However, the island nation has spent a whole day discussing the results, happiness and disappointments. The best way to conclude is to give #YOU readers our opinion on the 10 moments from the Malta Eurovision Song Contest 2017!   10: The Travellers & the Interval Act Maltese people are definitely proud of their …

Malta: Rhiannon “Someday I hope to have my own tour”

2 weeks to go for the Malta Eurovision Song Contest. The preparations are in full swing and soon the participants will start rehearsing at the MFCC. Today, newcomer Rhiannon has spoken to us about her entry Fearless. Hello Rhiannon What was the inspiration for the song, and did you write it specifically for the Malta Eurovision Song Contest and Eurovision? This song is …