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Tag Archives: Plagiarism

United Kingdom: Accusation of plagiarism aimed at “Bigger Than Us”

[AdSense-B] The United Kingdom’s entry for the Eurovision Song Contest 2019 has had an accusation of plagiarism leveled against it, ESC United has learned. The British submission for this year’s contest, written by Laurell Barker, Anna-Klara Folin, John Lundvik and Jonas Thander and performed by Michael Rice, bears similarities to a 2017 track by the British band 10 Reasons entitled …

New plagiarism accusation in Iceland? Friðrik Ómar vs Rihanna

[AdSense-B] Eagle eyed Eurovision fans and some local press in Iceland have picked up on a striking similarity between Friðrik Ómar entry for Söngvakeppnin 2019, “Hvað ef ég get ekki elskað?”, and a single from Rihanna’s last album. The Icelandic entry has some startling similarities to the track “Love on the Brain”, from Rihanna’s 2016 album “Anti”, including a near-identical chord …