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Tag Archives: Organisation

Jon Ola Sand admits Kyiv is his “most difficult Eurovision”

[AdSense-B] Jon Ola Sand, the Norwegian TV executive who has been executive producer of Eurovision since the 2011 contest, has admitted that Kyiv’s hosting of the contest has been difficult and the “most challenging Eurovision yet”. Sand has confirmed that EBU officials have had to be a lot more hands on with the competition this year, as Ukrainian TV officials …

Ukraine: Wholesale changes in the Eurovision team

[AdSense-B] There was a bit of drama to spice up our collective Mondays today as a batch of Ukrainian television officials resigned or left their posts at the newly created public broadcaster, UA:PBC. Executive producers of the Eurovision Song Contest 2017, Victoria Romanova and Oleksandr Kharebin have resigned from their roles in organising the next edition of the competition, alongside …