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Tag Archives: minus one

Cyprus: Minus One releases "Alter Ego"

As we previously reported, the band Minus One announced that their song “Alter Ego”  would be released today. The song was introduced live which could be viewed online on itsalmo.st.  You can listen to the song by clicking on the video below. Minus One are a well-known rock group in Cyprus and have been for a number of years. You …

Cyprus: Minus One “Alter Ego” To Stockholm

Today the Cypriot band, Minus One, have revealed that they will sing “Alter Ego” in Stockholm for the 2016 Eurovision Song Contest. This information was revealed morning and as well as the announcement that their Eurovision hopeful will be premiered on the 22nd of February. As previously announed the song would be written by Swedish Eurovision veteran, Thomas G:son, who has written a …

Why Turkey left the contest and more EBU drama on the way – ESC United Podcast

Matt and Adam are back with another edition of the ESC Podcast discussing the latest and greatest news, developments and general Eurovision related info. We are joined by our member Robert aka Lupus who is a new fan of the contest. The following topics were up for debate: –  Turkey is out again…why?!? – Minus One and Thomas G:SON for …