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Tag Archives: matay

Portugal: Who did #YOU want to win Festival da Canção 2019?

[AdSense-B] Arnold Schwarzenegger’s titular character was once asked in the 1982 classic, “Conan, what is best in life?” After reviewing your response to yesterday’s Festival da Canção 2019 poll, Conan Osiris will respond with the exact same line as Arnold’s Barbarian: “To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you!” And with a whopping 75% of the vote, #YOU voted …

Portugal: Who should win Festival da Canção 2019?

[AdSense-B] Eight contestants are left in tonight’s Festival da Canção 2019, and having seen them being put through their paces in two Semi-Finals, we want to know who #YOU would love to see represent Portugal at Eurovision 2019! Make sure to vote in our poll below and we’ll reveal your favourite right before the final kicks off at 22:00 CET …