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Tag Archives: Mariette

Sweden: Melodifestivalen results of Heat 2

The second Heat of Melodifestivalen is now finished. It was indeed another wonderful show. These are the results:   Final Mariette – A Million Years (Thomas G:son, Johanna Jansson, Peter Bostrom, Mariette Hansson, Jenny Hansson) Benjamin Ingrosso – Good Loovin’ (Benjamin Ingrosso, Louis Schoorl, Matt Pardon) Second Chance Dismissed – Hearts Align (Ola Salo, Peter Kvint) Lisa Ajax – I Don’t Give A (Ola Svensson, …

Sweden: Mariette “2015 was so much fun”

Melodifestivalen in Sweden continues today from Malmo. The first contestant for tonight’s heat is Mariette. Mariette already participated in Melodifestivalen back in 2015 with the song “Don’t stop believing” She managed to achieve the 3rd place. Our correspondent Chris Kaad is in Malmo and today he interviewed her. If you like Mariette’s entry A Million Years you can vote for …

Sweden: Melodifestivalen Heat 2 – Poll is now open

SVT has been holding rehearsals for this Saturday’s Melodifestivalen which will be held in Malmo. Europe is ready to watch the show this Saturday. From the short clips that we have seen, we are expecting another tough night tomorrow.   You can vote for your favourite artists on our poll below [socialpoll id=”2419343″]    

Sweden: Melodifestivalen Heat 2 – Lyrics are out!

SVT, is ready for the 2nd Heat of Melodifestivalen which will continue this Saturday in Malmo. Today, SVT released the lyrics. Song 1 Mariette – A Million Years (Thomas G:son, Johanna Jansson, Peter Bostrom, Mariette Hansson, Jenny Hansson) I’ll never give up I’ll never back down Not gonna lose faith as long as you’re around Not even in a million years our eyes might cry once in awhile but we will never break and baby I’ll wait forever And you haven’t really tried to make it right but that’s ok ‘cause I could wait a million years Whether you’re out or whether you’re in baby I’ll never let you go Whether you lose …

Sweden: Melodifestivalen line-up has been revealed by SVT

Today, SVT revealed the line-up for the upcoming Melodifestivalen season. The line-up is as follows :- Semi-Final 1 – 4th February 2017 – Scandinavium Arena – Gothenburg 1.Boris René – Her Kiss (Tim Larsson, Tobias Lundgren) 2.Adrijana – Amara (Martin Tjarnberg, Adrijana Krasniqi) 3.Dinah Nah – One more night (Thomas G:son, Jimmy Jansson, Dinah Nah, dr alban) 4.De Vet Du …

Sweden: Melodifestivalen 2017 Participants revealed

Today, SVT has announced the 28 participants for Melodifestivalen 2017. As in previous years, Melodifestivalen will have 4 semi-finals , the andra chansen round and the final show. The participants are as follows, and there are some surprises! Semi-Final 1 – 4th February  (Gothenburg) Adrijana – Amara (Martin Tjarnberg, Adrijana Krasniqi) Boris René – Her Kiss (Tim Larsson, Tobias Lundgren) Nano – …

The latest hits from Sweden’s Melodifestivalen stars

Last week, SVT announced the dates for the next Melodifestivalen which is scheduled for February and March 2017. SVT decided to keep the same format as 2016, with four semi-finals that are once again sure to get the Eurovision world talking. However, while SVT plans ahead, most of the past participants where busy releasing their tracks during the last summer …

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