Home Tag Archives: Malta Eurovision Song Conest

Tag Archives: Malta Eurovision Song Conest

Malta: 40 Quarterfinalists revealed for MESC

Malta PBS announced via Instagram the 40 artists and songs who will compete in the Quarterfinals for MESC 2023. The contest will take place over 6 weeks with four rounds of quarter finals, a semi final, and a final to air on February 11th. Here is the list of the artists and songs selected to compete: Artists and songs were …

Malta: Gaia Gambuzza to compete at the 2022 Junior Eurovision Song Contest

Malta has selected their representative for the 2022 Junior Eurovision Song Contest in Yerevan. Gaia Gambuzza won the contest with the song “Diamonds in the Skies”, placing first out of 16 participants. Andrea Camilleri came in second with her song “Spark”, and Emma Kate Formosa placed third with her song “Bounce”. The contest was decided by a combination jury vote …

Malta: Richard Edwards “The stand out point of my entry is in the song itself with no gimmicks to fool the audience”

[AdSense-B] Tomorrow PBS will air  the Malta Eurovision Song Contest. The preparations are in full swing and from tomorrow the participants will start rehearsing at the MFCC. Today, Richard Edwards has spoken to us about his entry You. Hello Richard First of all thank you for your time talking to us. How are you ? Can you introduce yourselves ?What can you tell …

Malta: Kevin Borg “I wanted to write some sort of fresh story”

The preparations for the Malta Eurovision Song Contest are in full swing. The show is scheduled for Saturday 18th February. Yesturday, PBS announced the running order and also the presenters for this show. For more details about these you can read our article here. Today, Kevin Borg has spoken to us about his entry Follow. Hello Kevin First of all thank you …