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Tag Archives: malta

Malta: Poll closed! This is what you think!

[AdSense-B] In less then 2hrs, Malta Eurovision Song Contest 2017 will determine the Maltese representative for the upcoming Eurovision Song Contest which will be held in Kyiv.  We would like to thank everyone who voted in our poll.  This is what you think : Brooke – Unstoppable – 21.7% Franklin – Follow Me – 18.9% Rhiannon – Fearless – 11.7% Claudia – Breathlessly – …

TONIGHT: Three countries decide for Kiev

It’s the moment Eurovision fans have been clamouring for for weeks, and tonight the moment has finally arrived. The definitive Super Saturday of 2017 is upon us, and amongst tonight’s star-studded line-up, three countries will make their final decision on who goes forward to Kiev in May. Malta’s MESC, Hungary’s A Dal and Poland’s Koncertu Krajowe Eliminacje will all take …

Malta: Crosswalk “We tried to capture that famous Nashville sound”

[AdSense-B]   Tonight PBS will air  the Malta Eurovision Song Contest. The preparations are in full swing and from tomorrow the participants will start rehearsing at the MFCC. Today, Crosswalk has spoken to us about there entry So Simple. Hello Crosswalk First of all thank you for your time talking to us. How are you? Can you introduce yourselves? What can you …

Malta: Richard Edwards “The stand out point of my entry is in the song itself with no gimmicks to fool the audience”

[AdSense-B] Tomorrow PBS will air  the Malta Eurovision Song Contest. The preparations are in full swing and from tomorrow the participants will start rehearsing at the MFCC. Today, Richard Edwards has spoken to us about his entry You. Hello Richard First of all thank you for your time talking to us. How are you ? Can you introduce yourselves ?What can you tell …

Malta: Claudia Faniello “It talks about our inner emotions”

[AdSense-B] In 2 days time PBS will air  the Malta Eurovision Song Contest. The preparations are in full swing and from tomorrow the participants will start rehearsing at the MFCC. Today, Claudia has spoken to us about her entry Breathlessly. Hello Claudia First of all thank you for your time talking to us. How are you ? Can you introduce yourselves ? …

Podcast: What is our favorite Maltese entry?

In today’s ESC United Know-it-Alls podcast, the ESC United team is reviewing and dissecting the six songs taking part in the Maltese National Final. A lighthearted approach, the ESC United team & readers have a say in who will receive the official endorsement of ESC United. The team and the readers get to share their thoughts and at the end, all …

Malta: Klinsmann “No matter what they will always find each other”

Next Saturday PBS will air  the Malta Eurovision Song Contest. The preparations are in full swing and from this Monday the participants will start rehearsing at the MFCC. Today, Klinsmann has spoken to us about his entry Laserlight. Hello Klinsmann First of all thank you for your time talking to us. How are you ?Your song that you will be presenting for the …

Eurovision 17: News Round-up

The Eurovision Season is gearing up!  This was an eventful week with full of exciting news from the Eurovision World. In this article I will be doing some rounding-up of the main news we had this week and also with some other news from various countries around Europe. Ukraine Last Monday the Ukrainian Broadcaster UAPBC has released the new theme and …

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