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Tag Archives: MAIAA

🇮🇸 Söngvakeppnin Semifinal 2 Results — Find Out the Results

The second semi-final for Söngvakeppnin  in Iceland is now over. Five acts competed in the second semi-final of Iceland’s national selection and at the end of the night, only two qualified for the final. Per usual, all songs are sung in Icelandic in the semi-finals. Any songs that qualify for the final will then be sung in the intended language …

🇮🇸 Team ESCUnited Reviews the Söngvakeppnin Songs in Semi-Final 2

All opinions expressed in this article are those of the person quoted and do not necessarily represent the opinions of the other team members or ESC United as a whole. It’s time for another set of reviews for Iceland’s national final! Söngvakeppnin returns this Saturday, 24 February with the second of two semi-finals. All songs competing in the semi-finals are …

🇮🇸 Söngvakeppnin Songs Revealed! Who Will Win in Iceland on 2 March?

Ríkisútvarpið (RÚV) announced the newest crop of songs in Söngvakeppnin today in between the national finals currently taking place in Norway, Lithuania, and Luxembourg. The competition will compose of two semi-finals on 17 February and 24 February of five songs each, and all songs in the semi-finals will be performed in the Icelandic language. Songs that qualify to the final …