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Tag Archives: Kiev

Live Stream & Blog of Semi-Final 2 Rehearsals (Day 4)

Good morning Europe! We’re halfway through the week and we are wrapping up first rehearsals for Semi-Final 2. Nine countries will get their chance to test out the stage (San Marino, Croatia, Norway, Switzerland, Belarus, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Estonia, Israel). After a night of partying hard at the EuroClub, we are back at the Press Center. Be sure to follow our LiveStream …

Jon Ola Sand admits Kyiv is his “most difficult Eurovision”

[AdSense-B] Jon Ola Sand, the Norwegian TV executive who has been executive producer of Eurovision since the 2011 contest, has admitted that Kyiv’s hosting of the contest has been difficult and the “most challenging Eurovision yet”. Sand has confirmed that EBU officials have had to be a lot more hands on with the competition this year, as Ukrainian TV officials …

Live Stream & Blog of Semi-Final 2 Rehearsals (Day 3)

It’s Tuesday and we are live in Kiev, Ukraine for Day 3 of rehearsals for Eurovision 2017.  We wrapped up the first rehearsals for Semi-Final 1 yesterday and today begin first rehearsals for Semi-Final 2.  The first nine countries will get on stage (Serbia, Austria, FYR Macedonia, Malta, Romania, The Netherlands, Hungary, Denmark, Ireland). Be sure to follow our LiveStream …

Live Stream & Blog of Semi-Final 1 Rehearsals (Day 2)

[AdSense-B] Good morning Europe! We are live in Kiev, Ukraine for the second day of rehearsals for Eurovision 2017! The last nine countries in Semi-Final 1 will rehearse (Greece, Poland, Moldova, Iceland, Czech Republic, Cyprus, Armenia, Slovenia, Latvia). Be sure to follow our LiveStream and LiveBlog. Do #YOU have any questions for us? Let us know and we’ll answer them throughout …

Eurovision Village: All you need to know

[AdSense-B] While a lot of the action from the Eurovision Song Contest will be centred around the International Exhibition Centre, the press centre and everything the contestants can throw at us in the arena, there’s no doubting that for the average superfan of the contest, the transformation of the host city into a booming Eurovision metropolis is everything. The Eurovision …

Ukraine: Stage bursts into life in Kyiv

[AdSense-B] The latest updates from the International Exhibition Centre in eastern Kiev, Ukraine, have finally given us the glory shot that fans have been craving since construction began; today the first full shot of the stage was released, alongside further pictures from yesterday’s visit of Viacheslav Kyrylenko, the vice president of Ukraine and various members of press. The stage is …

Eurovision rehearsals set to begin on a Sunday?

[AdSense-B] Some Eurovision fan blogs across the net have been spreading rumours of a different rehearsal schedule to the usual rota journalists and avid fans have become accustomed to over the years. Now it seems that the rumour does indeed have some credence – the Eurovision 2017 rehearsals look set to begin on Sunday 30th April, pending EBU confirmation. A …

Update: Kiev stage begins to take shape

[AdSense-B] As the clock ticks down to another long awaited Eurovision, the excitement in the International Exhibition Centre in eastern Kiev is building, as the stage and it’s rigging continues to be built. Construction on the backdrop for this year’s show began last Thursday and in that short space of time the uniquely designed stage is starting to take shape …

Ukraine: Work begins on 2017 staging!

[AdSense-B] Today is the day many Eurovision fans count down to for the entire year, as the first steps of putting together the contest finally fall into place in the arena. That’s right – the staging for this year’s contest has begun to appear! Today the EBU’s Executive Supervisor for the Eurovision Song Contest, Jon Ola Sand, and key members …

Who do #YOU want to win Eurovision 2017?

[AdSense-B] We have finally made it to this point of the year, an exciting time for all – all 43 entries fighting to win this year’s Eurovision Song Contest have been released! Because of this, there’s only one question on everyone’s lips… Who is likely to see the end credits rolling over their entry late on May 13th? There are …

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