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Tag Archives: kan

Eurovision 2021 News Roundup: News from Latvia, Czech Republic, Albania, Israel, Cyprus, and Croatia!

Welcome back to the news round up – where we gather all the news YOU want to know about in one place! This week we’ve gotten a lot of updates about what the 2021 artists and countries have been up to, so let’s dive right in! Croatia releases the 14 acts competing in Dora 2021 This year HRT received 135 …

Israel: The 4 potential songs for Eden are out now!

She won HaKokhav HaBa L’Eurovizion and with that, she won the rights to represent last years host country in Rotterdam. However, unlike recent years when Israel picked the song internally, the nation will this time have a say on this song. HaShir HaBa L’Eurovizion 2020 In case you’ve forgotten, then we’re here to remind #YOU, that Eden Alene will represent Israel …

KAN press conference reveals further details on Eurovision 2019

[AdSense-B] Today saw the Israeli national broadcaster and this year’s hosting channel – KAN – reveal more info on the performing interval acts at this year’s contest, alongside more info on the events surrounding the show in Tel Aviv. The performing acts As well as Madonna, who will perform two songs in the final of this year’s contest, a number …

Eurovision stars and famous musicians sign boycott letter for Israel’s Eurovision

[AdSense-B] An initiative posted this evening by the British newspaper The Guardian has seen dozens of Eurovision alumni join forces with respected artists and performers from Europe and beyond in supporting a boycott of Israel’s hosting. The letter, published online and gaining traction with websites such as Yahoo, sees over a hundred signatories from various artistic backgrounds calling for broadcasters …

Israel: Host city to be announced today?

[AdSense-B] The Jerusalem Post have reported that the host city announcement for Eurovision 2019 may come today, Thursday 6th September, with there supposedly being a two-horse-race between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv for the contest. While the EBU has not publically confirmed what day they would reveal the destination for the contest, it has been widely reported that an announcement of …

Israeli Government And KAN come to an agreement to cover Hosting Cost

UPDATE (6:16 PM CET): KAN has now officially confirmed that it will pay the 12 Million Euro guarantee. It is believed that they will take a loan to pay for Guarantee and that the Finance Minister will cover the cost should Israel lose the right to host the contest. Please read below for additional information ———————————————————————————— Yesterday, we reported on …

Israeli Prime Minister threatens to shut down KAN if they don’t pay Eurovision Guarantee

The news keep coming in. Earlier today, we reported on the EBUs response regarding Israel possibly giving up hosting rights. The Israeli Haaretz reported that Benjamin Netenyahu has threatened to shutdown the Israeli national broadcaster KAN, should they fail to pay the 12 million Euro Guarantee. This payment is needed to ensure that Israel can host the contest in 2019. …

EBU responds to Israel’s hosting issues

As we previously reported, the Israeli broadcaster has been struggling to come up with the 12 Million Euros security deposit to guarantee hosting responsibilities for the Eurovision Song Contest 2019. Gil Omer, chairman of the board of the broadcasting corporation, contacted the Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and threatened to give up the Eurovision Song Contest 2019 in Israel to …

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