Home Tag Archives: jesc 2019

Tag Archives: jesc 2019

Malta: Official video for Eliana Gomez Blanco’s JESC entry “We Are More” has been released!

Back in August we learned that Eliana Gomez Blanco would be representing Malta at Junior Eurovision 2019 when she won the national selection organized by the Maltese broadaster PBS. But over the weekend, the country of Malta decided it was time to officially release her entry for the contest. That means that the last entry to be released will come …

Teaser for Melani García’s Junior Eurovision Song posted online

[AdSense-B] Back in late July, Spain’s Radiotelevisión Española (RTVE) announced that Melani García would be representing them in the 2019 Junior Eurovision Contest. And on Friday, RTVE teased the first minute of her song “Marte” on the official Junior Eurovision Song Contest YouTube channel. The song features García’s amazing vocal range through a song that fuses a pop ballad with …