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Tag Archives: göteborg

LIVE BLOG: Melodifestivalen first rehearsals

Today the first rehearsals of Melodifestivalen will take part, here will links, photos and facts be posted during the first rehearsals in Scandinavium, Gothenburg. 1. “I’ll Be Fine” – Molly Pettersson Hammar 2. “Pappa” (Dad) – Daniel Gildenlöw 3. “One By One” – Elize Ryd & Rickard Söderberg 4. “Hello Hi” – Dolly Style 5. “Det rår vi inte för” (We can’t help …

Sweden: Semifinal 3 snippets released

Tomorrow the 3rd semifinal of Melodifestivalen will take part in Göteborg, another eight artist are performing and hoping for a chance to get to the final in Stockholm the 8th March. The rehearsals for tomorrow evening is going on right now and yesterday the one minute snippets were released to the public. You can find the snippets here. The participants …