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Tag Archives: funny girl

The ESC United “Expert” Panel 2018 – Latvia

[AdSense-B] As we move on to Latvia there’s just enough time to reminisce over our thoughts on another nation’s song. What did #YOU think of Belarus and “Forever”? lorens (Forum) – “Not a fan of the new version either, but somehow Belarus is the underdog I hope will do better than expected!” lacrymea (Forum) – “I actually love this song. …

Latvia: Laura Rizzotto wins Supernova

After 3 semi-finals and a lengthy final, Latvia chose Laura Rizzotto with her song Funny Girl  to represent the country in Lisbon.The winner was decided by 50% televoting & 50% jury vote. Sudden Lights reached the 2nd place while Madara reached the 3rd place   How do #YOU like their song? Share your thoughts in comments bellow and at our Forum topic here. …