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Tag Archives: eurovision

Cyprus Bows Out of ESC 2014

The Cyprus Broadcasting Corporation (CyBC) has announced, via its official website, that the Mediterranean island country will not be participating in the Eurovision Song Contest 2014 in Copenhagen. CyBC’s board said that they reached the decision after determining a need to cut spending on programs, despite public interest. Cyprus has had a bumpy history with placing in Eurovision, having qualified to the …

Estonia’s Eesti Laul Details Confirmed

Estonian national broadcaster Eesti Rahvusringhääling (ERR) has confirmed that Estonia’s national selection Eesti Laul 2014 will be held on March 1 of next year, with the same format as the previous year’s contest. “The competition provides the opportunity for all artists to introduce their work to a wider audience,” said Heidy Purga, producer of Eesti Laul, to ERR. Indeed, each year, …

Switzerland’s SRF Opens Web Platform for 2014 National Selection

Eurovision season is truly upon us: Swiss German-language broadcaster Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen (SRF) has opened its web portal and has begun to accept video entries for their portion of the 2014 Switzerland national selection. SRF’s web platform currently features a number of submitted entries, all of which have entered in the hopes to represent Switzerland in the 2014 Eurovision Song Contest …

Editorial: Conchita Wurst brings out the worst of the ESC fandom

The content of this editorial does not necessarily reflect the opinions and views of ESC United, its editorial board or its readers. Once news broke on Twitter of Conchita Wurst’s participation in Copenhagen for the 2014 Eurovision Song Contest, I immediately knew that I could expect tons of unwarranted hatred for Austria’s choice. When someone who doesn’t look like the …

Conchita Wurst and the Eurovision Gimmick – Friend or Foe?

The content of this editorial does not necessarily reflect the opinions and views of ESC United, its editorial board or its readers. Less than 24 hours ago, it was leaked that Austria will be represented by the gender-bending act known as Conchita Wurst. And within those 24 hours, Conchita has managed to stir up quite a bit of commotion amongst …

Eurovision Cheating Scandal Intensifies: What Must Be Done

Just when you thought things were starting to die down, the Eurovision Song Contest vote rigging controversy saga adds another piece of anonymously sourced information to an already long list of allegations. Torbjörn Wester of Swedish news organization Skånska Dagbladet reported Sunday on an undisclosed source from a national delegation at the 2013 contest who revealed new information about the cheating …

Conchita Wurst to Represent Austria in 2014

Austrian news media confirm that singer Tom Neuwirth, better known by the stage name Conchita Wurst, was chosen by Austrian broadcaster Österreichischer Rundfunk (ORF) to represent Austria in the Eurovision Song Contest 2014 in Copenhagen, Denmark. Eurovision fans may remember Conchita, 25, as the runner up in 2012’s Österreich rockt den Song Contest to represent Austria in Eurovision 2012. Conchita’s song, “That’s What …

The Eurovision Voting Drama

While most fans & delegations are approving of the winning song, there seems to be a lot of uproar and confusion by the media, fans & politicians over the voting of the Eurovision Song Contest 2013. It seems every day there is something else happening so if you’re one of those that is confused about what’s going on, here is …

ESDM (Spain) Interview after the first rehearsal

ESDM were kind enough and granted us a short interview with them. They are quite shy but very likable and asked the questions posted by our readers. [vsw id=”tCD27nvlM0c” source=”youtube” width=”425″ height=”344″ autoplay=”no”]     Follow our YouTube channel for the most recent information, interviews and updates.   http://www.youtube.com/TVESCunited

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