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Tag Archives: ESC 2018

Romania: The Humans are going to Lisbon!

For the very last time – Bună Seara Din România! After a tour around Romania for the past 5 weeks, we have finally reached our final destination of Selecția Națională 2018. Along with the conclusion, we can say, that “Eurovision did Unite Romania“, as that was the slogan of this year’s shows, and of course we also have a winner! [AdSense-B] …

Montenegro: Vanja Radovanović Will Represent Montenegro!

Добро вече из Црне Горе! – In case you want it in simple English – Good evening from Montenegro! For the first time in 10 years, Montenegro decided to go with a national final to let the public decide who should have the honour of representing the country in Lisbon! [AdSense-B] 2018 was considered the year where many countries would …

Romania: Just 1 More Semi-Final Remains

We’re into the 4th week of this years Selecția Națională, and we are getting closer and closer to the end. Tonight we had the 4th semi-final, so there is now only 1 semi-final left, before we finally get to know who will represent Romania at the Eurovision Song Contest in Lisbon. [AdSense-B] Tonight’s edition of Selecția Națională 2018 was with no doubt a …

Denmark: Rasmussen The Viking Will Travel To Lisbon!

As we say in Denmark, Godaften Europa! Tonight was the grand final of Dansk Melodi Grand Prix 2018. [AdSense-B] The show was hosted by the same lovely couple from last year, Annette Heick & Johannes Nymark. Together, they opened the show by telling us the history of the Eurovision Song Contest. We all know it by now very well, but you never …

Romania: We’re Halfway Through!

Tonight, we continued the Romanian version of Melodifestivalen, or as we know it, simply just as Selecția Națională 2018. Tonight’s show took place in the city of Craiova, and here another 12 acts performed for another 3 spots in the final. [AdSense-B] After a fast opening, we were once again welcomed by our lovely host couple, consisting of Diana Dumitrescu & …

Ireland: Ryan O’Shaughnessy To Sing “Together”

The national broadcaster of Ireland, RTÉ, has decided to continue choosing their entry through an internal selection, despite failing to qualify with one for the last two years. Today they announced that it will be Ryan O’Shaughnessy’s task to make the Emerald Isle shine once more. [AdSense-B] In August last year, RTÉ went with a Eurovision Song Contest Forum, where the …

Romania: Second Semi-Final Has Concluded

[AdSense-B] The Romanian Eurovision journey continues and tonight we saw the second semi-final take place in the city of Timișoara, the European Capital of Culture for 2021. Tonight we had another 12 acts performing, and once again, out of these 12 performers, only 3 of the participants would advance to the final. The show was opened with a performance of …

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