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Tag Archives: cyprus

Predictions: Televote (Readers) vs. Jury (Team Stockholm) – Semi-Final 1

Your votes have been counted, the results are in and you can stop voting now, Europe and beyond! It’s now time to officially reveal which songs you have predicted to qualify, and how that compares to the rankings of the team here in Stockholm! We were amazed at the response to our poll so thank you very much to all …

TONIGHT: Eurovision 2016 Semi-Final 1

After months of preparation, nerve-wracking national selection shows, hours of rehearsals, countless interviews and press meetings, tonnes of partying (there’s room for that at Eurovision t00) and a little dose of sightseeing, the stage is set, the artists are raring to go and we are finally here. Ladies and gentlemen, it’s time for the Eurovision Song Contest 2016 to begin! …

Cyprus: Minus One releases "Alter Ego"

As we previously reported, the band Minus One announced that their song “Alter Ego”  would be released today. The song was introduced live which could be viewed online on itsalmo.st.  You can listen to the song by clicking on the video below. Minus One are a well-known rock group in Cyprus and have been for a number of years. You …

Cyprus: Minus One “Alter Ego” To Stockholm

Today the Cypriot band, Minus One, have revealed that they will sing “Alter Ego” in Stockholm for the 2016 Eurovision Song Contest. This information was revealed morning and as well as the announcement that their Eurovision hopeful will be premiered on the 22nd of February. As previously announed the song would be written by Swedish Eurovision veteran, Thomas G:son, who has written a …

Sweden and Cyprus to withdraw from Junior Eurovision?

Some sad news for fans of the Junior Eurovision Song Contest today as the official JESC EBU Twitter feed seemingly confirmed two withdrawals for the contest in Bulgaria. Sweden (who will host the main Eurovision in 2016) and Cyprus both seem unlikely to participate in the 2015 contest, with SVT’s children programming going through restructuring and the Cypriot broadcaster CyBC …

LIVE COVERAGE: Rehearsal Day 4

We’ve now seen most of the semi finalists performing, so it’s going to be very interesting to find out how the remaining ones are staged. Once again we are covering everything LIVE from the press centre at Wiener Stadthalle, Vienna. So far we’ve had a full run-through of all semi 1 participants and the first set of semi 2.  Today, …

The 2015 “Expert” Panel – CYPRUS

One Thing I Should Have Done (Eurovision 2015 – Cyprus) The ESC United “Expert” Panel is back once again reviewing all Eurovision songs and rank them accordingly. You are probably asking yourself on how we pick our panel and the criteria. We looked at people from all walks of life to bring together a unique group of panelists with a …

Giannis Karagiannis to represent Cyprus

  Tonight the next country selected their song for the 2015 Eurovision Song Contest. Cyprus  decided through a mixture of 50% Televote and 50% Jury and is sending John Karagiannis to Vienna with the Song One thing I should have done. The Eurovision Song Project went through several audition stages and challenges starting early December 2014 and it wasn’t until today they …

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