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Tag Archives: cristina scarlat

Live from Copenhagen: Interview with Cristina Scarlat (Moldova)

Cristina Scarlat from Moldova sat down with  to discuss her rehearsal with Olivia from ESC United. Find out what she has to say and don’t forget to check back soon as the second rehearsal for Moldova is coming up this weekend. You can follow the convo on our website HERE.   [vsw id=”xbUQQIIqffQ” source=”youtube” width=”425″ height=”344″ autoplay=”no”]

Moldova: Cristina Scarlat to Copenhagen!

Moldova has chosen, and Cristina Scarlat and her “Wild Soul” are off to Copenhagen! A public televote was combined with a jury vote to select the winner for O Melodie Pentru Europa (A Song For Europe). The jury was composed of music industry professionals, including former Eurovision participant Nelly Ciobanu. Iurie Gologan and Olivia Furtună hosted the show, with greenroom reporters Daniela …