Home Tag Archives: Countries

Tag Archives: Countries

An increased 41 countries take part in Eurovision 2022

The EBU had been silent for a long while, but after giving us the host, the official Twitter page kept teasing us about how many countries would be participating in next year’s Eurovision. In this flashy little video they announced that there will be 41 participants in total, an increase of 2 from last year. Were there any major shock …

Will 2017 finally be our record-breaking year?

Year after year and build-up after build-up for each Eurovision sees fans discussing whether a record number of participating countries will be present at the competition and every year we seem to fall short. But the signs this year seem promising with only a handful of the usual nations declining the EBU’s kind invitation to take part. With Turkey and …

Who’s in and who’s out so far?

At this stage in the year we start to finalise which countries will be joining the celebrations at the next year’s Eurovision and as the nights draw in and the air gets colder, the 2017 contest is no exception. So let’s take a look at the current state of play and see who is joining the party in 2017! Planning …

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