Home Tag Archives: costa rica

Tag Archives: costa rica

ESC Party night in San Jose (Costa Rica)

The group of eurofans in Costa Rica (also part of OGAE RoW), will be celebrating their 4th anniversary this next friday september 13th at Park Inn Hotel by Radisson in San Jose downtown.  They had prepare a very special night with videos of the greatest festival entries and big surprises from some of their own members, who has been preparing …

Eurovision night in Costa Rica on 4/19

Attention Costa Rica Eurovision fans! The folks at “OGAE Rest of the World: Latin America” have put together a special Eurovision night for fans in Costa Rica.   The party will take place April 19th in San Jose at Stan’s Irish Pub (150 oeste de Casa Presidencial). Also OGAE RoW: Latin America has put up their Facebook page.  Click on …