Home Tag Archives: Bosnia & Herzegovina

Tag Archives: Bosnia & Herzegovina

Predictions: Televote (Readers) vs. Jury (Team Stockholm) – Semi-Final 1

Your votes have been counted, the results are in and you can stop voting now, Europe and beyond! It’s now time to officially reveal which songs you have predicted to qualify, and how that compares to the rankings of the team here in Stockholm! We were amazed at the response to our poll so thank you very much to all …

“Everything is so professional, we are not used to it!” Interview with Bosnia & Herzegovina’s Deen, Dalal, Ana & Jala

Our interviewer Stefan, who specialised in relations with the ex-Yugoslav artists, took the reigns for our interview with Bosnia & Herzegovina’s Eurovision quartet, including returnee Deen. We discuss coffee, tiredness, hunger and their preparations for Stockholm below; Bosnia & Herzegovina’s returnee entry will be performed in the first semi-final on May 10th. Are you on Team Bosnia? Share your thoughts …

Rumours of Bosnia rift denied

It was reported on many Eurovision portals today that there had been a major fight that had broken out between Bosnia & Herzegovina’s team of assembled artists for Eurovision 2016, with members of the group Jala and Dalal physically attacked. However, these rumours appear to be unfounded. Deen has posted a photo to his Twitter account reassuring fans that there …

Bosnia & Herzegovina: No participation in Vienna

Sad news have reached us from Bosnia & Herzegovina: Despite having submitted a preliminary application, The Balkan country will not take part in the 60th Eurovision Song Contest after all. This was confirmed by the Bosnian broadcaster BHRT itself. The reasons stated were continuous financial problems and lack of sponsors. Previously there have been rumours about potential Bosnian representatives: the …

Deadline extended for Bosnia and Herzegovina

Participation of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the upcoming Eurovision Song Contest is still uncertain. It was announced on official press release by BHRT that participation confirmation is lacking due to the financial difficulties.  EBU granted them a deadline extension until 14 November to make a final decision considering their participation. BHRT stated that revenues of TV fees has decreased by …