Home Tag Archives: Annika Wickihalder

Tag Archives: Annika Wickihalder

TEAM REVIEWS: Sweden (2/2)

Hello everyone! National finals season wraps up tonight, and we are closing our Team Reviews with the Eurovision titan itself: Sweden! We’ve subjected all 12 Melodifestivalen hopefuls to scrutiny for your pleasure and interest. Six written autopsies detailing why we (our motley crew of article gremlins) like or dislike certain Swedish finalists. In the second part of the Sweden reviews …

SWEDEN: Third Deltävling promotes two more semifinalists to finalists!

Another Saturday, another Melodifestivalen heat! Sweden had its second live show today, where six more acts fought for a ticket to the Melodifestivalen final on 8 March. The thord liveshow, which was held in Västerås and was hosted by Keyyo and Edvin Törnblom, featured the following line-up: Greczula – “Believe me” Malou Prytz – “24K Gold” Björn Holmgren – “Rädda …

Team Reviews: ESCUnited review Melodifestivalen (Sweden)

The below editorial is the opinion of the author(s), and does not necessarily represent the views of ESC United as a whole and its staff members, and does not represent the views of anyone associated with the EBU and Eurovision. Every person that participated is aware of how they come across. They’d better be. ^_^ Heja, you sneaky little Eurovisions! …