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Tag Archives: Alekseev

Ukrainian popstar and Eurovision alumni Tina Karol announces North American charity tour

Following the announcement of Kalush Orchestra’s North American Tour to raise relief money for Ukraine, Resilience Entertainment Group has revealed that Tina Karol will also embark on a 12 city tour of the US and Canada. Karol’s tour will hit many of the same cities and venues as Kalush Orchestra such as Seattle, San Fransisco, Dallas, Los Angeles, and Toronto, …

Belarus: Alekseev “I’ve met so many good people in this experience”

[AdSense-B] After he had his next chance to rehearse on the Altice Arena stage, we had the chance to speak to Ukrainian performer Alekseev about representing Belarus, the idea behind his unique staging and how he would react if he won an Oscar! #YOU can see our interview with Belarus’ Alekseev below, and if you like our content then make …

The ESC United “Expert” Panel 2018 – Belarus

[AdSense-B] We need to look back before we can look forward, so let’s take a look at what #YOU thought of yesterday’s entry from Norway… Padraic D. (Facebook) – “Generally speaking I don’t usually have a positive stance to winners returning as by and large I find their returning songs weaker than their winners. I immediately think of Niamh Kavanagh …

Belarus: Alekseev performs new version of “Forever” on Estonian TV

[AdSense-B] Alekseev, Belarus’ representative for the upcoming contest in Lisbon, has appeared on Estonian TV to perform the official Eurovision version of his entry “Forever” as part of his promotional push for May. The Ukrainian singer has stepped up his preparations for the contest in Tallinn, where he has also performed for a local crowd on Friday evening. After little …

Reaction Video: Alekseev wins the “controversial” National Final in Belarus

As previously reported, Alekseev won the National Final in Belarus, therefore wining the right to represent the country in the Eurovision Song Contest 2018 in Lisbon. Portugal. Plenty of drama unfolded over the last few weeks but in the end it didn’t make a difference, Alekseev won over the hearts of the juries and televoters. #YOU can watch our reaction video …

Belarus: Alekseev to Lisbon!

After tonight’s national final, Belarus decided that they will send Alekseev with his song “Forever” to Lisbon! The full lineup of performances tonight was: Adagio – “Ty i ja” Alekseev – “Forever” Shuma – “Chmarki” NAPOLI – “Chasing Rushes” Anastasiya Malashkevich – “World On Fire” Gunesh – “I Won’t Cry” Radiovolna – “Subway Lines” Alen Hit – “I Don’t Care” …

Belarus: Sofi Lapina withdraws from selection amid controversy

Belarus’ selection has taken a dramatic twist today, after an open letter signed by seven of the participants in the selection has ultimately seen one of the participants withdraw their entry! [AdSense-B] The controversy surrounds Alekseev, whose entry “Forever” fails the EBU rule regarding the performance or release of songs before 1st September 2017. Regardless of this, the public broadcaster …

Belarus: Who is in the next round?

One of the most weird and wonderful stages of any national final season is the Belorussian auditions round, where the hopefuls for the selection meet in Minsk and sing their hearts out, one by one, for the assembled judges. It has thrown up zombie shows, questionable vocals and erm, unique concepts in previous years, and the latest round of Belorussian …