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Tag Archives: AFAS Live

Eurovision in Concert: 1982 winner Nicole invited as special guest

[AdSense-B] Outside of the usual onslaught of national selections and shows leading up to the annual Eurovision Song Contest, there is one other event that fans of the contest would perhaps look forward to more than most others; Eurovision in Concert, the annual preview event held in Amsterdam, Netherlands. With a whopping 32 artists of the 43 present in Lisbon …

TONIGHT: The stars of Lisbon descend on Amsterdam for Eurovision in Concert

[AdSense-B] Get ready, because once again it’s a big night in the Eurovision calendar, just two weeks before the proper rehearsals begin for the contest. Eurovision in Concert 2018 takes place tonight at AFAS Live in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, and we at #escYOUnited will be there to cover every inch of proceedings! 32 of this year’s Eurovision acts and a …